Design "Rose on wet gel polish". Execution technique. Creating wet nail art How to make a wet manicure from gel polishes

If you are bored with a monotonous manicure, it is difficult to find free time to visit beauty salons, and you don’t really know how to draw, you should not be upset. There is a very interesting technique - nail design with a needle on wet varnish. If you master it, you will be able to create incredible drawings in their beauty. It is worth remembering the basic schemes, and your nails will always delight you with their inimitable nail art. Today we will conduct design lessons on wet varnish, offer to see diagrams, photos and videos with master classes.

Stylish design in beige tones

To begin with, we suggest that you complete a very simple design that even a novice craftswoman can handle. This will help you learn how to work on wet polish and make you believe that creating beautiful nail art is easy. To complete it, you will need beige and brown nail polish.

  1. After prepping your nails, apply a clear base coat.
  2. Paint the nails of the little finger, middle and thumb with beige varnish. Apply a brown tint to your index finger.
  3. On the remaining ring finger, we will perform a beautiful painting. Visually divide the nail into four squares - apply both colors on them in a checkerboard pattern. Now, without waiting for the varnish to dry, use a toothpick to start from the center to the edges to perform circular motions.

This elementary technique allows you to create a very original and beautiful design that will not go unnoticed. Do not forget to cover the painting with a top coat so that the manicure flaunts on your nails for as long as possible. You can get a visual representation of the implementation of this design by watching a video with a master class.

Manicure with roses on wet gel polish

If you prefer to do a manicure with gel polish, then we can offer you another option. A stylish design with abstract roses will not leave anyone indifferent, and its implementation will not make it difficult for you if you follow the right scheme.

  1. Apply a layer of purple gel polish and dry it in a LED lamp for 30 seconds, or in a UV lamp for 2 minutes.
  2. Now we apply the second layer, but do not dry it, but begin to make drawings.
  3. Using a dots for nails, put dots with pink gel polish, arranging them in a checkerboard pattern.
  4. Dip the brush in black gel polish and, starting from the center of each point, draw a spiral, gradually expanding it. Repeat the technique with all points. Dry in a lamp.
  5. Apply a top coat, dry in a lamp, remove the sticky layer with a special liquid.

When making this design, you can use any colors, change the number and size of roses, make additions at your discretion. The main subtlety is that you can not let the varnish dry, everything needs to be done very quickly. Only in this case you will achieve good results. If it is difficult for you to master the lessons in text format, then it will be useful for you to watch a video with an example of the implementation of the nail art described above.

Great Wet Design Ideas

A variety of schemes allow you to create amazing patterns on your nails. You have already received the first lessons in mastering this technique and now you can perform a simple but very beautiful manicure. It remains to dream a little and bring your ideas to life. And for this, we have prepared for you a collection of photos that will help you understand how different a design made on wet varnish can be.

Here is such a bright, amazing manicure can show off on your nails. And all that is required to complete it is multi-colored varnishes, a needle and a little imagination. Fancy drawings, smooth lines, play of shades - such a design cannot be overlooked. At your discretion, you can decorate the manicure with sparkles, rhinestones or other decorative elements.

Today we have given two detailed step-by-step instructions, excited your imagination with bright ideas in the photo and convinced you that even novice manicure lovers can do such a manicure. Now that you have already learned the first lessons, we invite you to watch an interesting video in which you will find three new options for performing wet gel polish manicure at once. This time, delicate frosty patterns will play on your nails.

With the onset of each new season, designers offer interesting ideas for decorating nails. Recently, the increased attention of fashionistas has been attracted by a new technique for painting nails on still wet gel polish. Such a manicure attracts with ease of execution and a spectacular look.

Design Features

The great advantage of drawings made on wet gel polish is that they can be made independently. At home, it is easy to create a manicure with floral motifs, abstraction or patterns with multi-colored haze.

Regardless of the pattern, the execution technique remains unchanged:

  1. Prepare nails by giving them a shape, length, removing the cuticle and treating the surface with a special nail file.
  2. Treat the nail plates with a degreaser and primer.
  3. Apply a thin layer of base, dry it.
  4. Cover the nails with a layer of colored varnish, dry in a lamp. Apply the same varnish a second time in a thin layer so that it lies evenly, but does not drain.
  5. With a varnish of a different color (preferably a contrasting one), put a few drops on a wet surface and shade them so that a pattern is obtained. If desired, it can be supplemented with decor. When everything is ready, fix the design in a special lamp.
  6. Cover the completed nail art with a layer of top coat. Dry again.

To make the manicure perfect, for the work of the master it is recommended to choose a medium-density varnish.

Floral motifs

Floral manicure is quite popular, the design is in demand regardless of seasons and year.

  • The most common flower depicted on nails is a rose. It is she who is more suitable than others for applying to wet gel polish. The image turns out to be voluminous and looks quite interesting, the delicate petals of the flower seem to float in the air.
  • In order for the manicure to turn out beautiful and attract the attention of others with its originality, you need to choose the right colors.
  • Usually, such a design in itself turns out to be catchy, so there is no need to decorate it with decor. If you still want to add shine to your nails, you can use rhinestones or cover some nails with a metallic rub. The combination of several techniques at once in one manicure looks interesting and fashionable.
  • You can depict velvet roses. They are painted in the same way as ordinary flowers, but the finished drawing is covered with acrylic powder. The top coat is not applied to the voluminous fluffy flower. This design looks spectacular and noble.

Rose manicure is very popular, but other floral images can be painted on wet gel polish. For example, grass, twigs with leaves, young sprouts, cherry blossoms or fictional fabulous flowers. Using the technique of drawing on wet gel polish, it turns out to create original avant-garde drawings that look fresh and stylish.


Dots are the easiest way to decorate a manicure. When creating such a design, you can use a large number of shades at the same time. The points can be placed randomly over the entire surface of the nail plate or in a certain sequence, connected to each other, superimposed one on top of the other, or maintain a distance between them.

  • Consistently lining up the dots, you can add a pattern of any complexity, for example, a heart, a butterfly, an animal, geometric shapes or patterns.
  • Various visual effects are popular. It can be a realistic imitation of the skin of a snake, a crocodile or other reptile, or an avant-garde design.
  • Quite often, to create such nail art, they use a magnetic varnish with a cat's eye effect.
  • To work on a point design, it is better to use a special manicure dots. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary ballpoint pen with a plastic or metal round tip. Using the tools is not at all difficult, controlling the pressure, it allows you to adjust the amount of paint taken and the size of the left dot.
    Professionals recommend choosing a universal dots, in which small and medium-sized balls are located at both ends.

If there is no special tool at hand, you can use an ordinary pen with an empty rod or a hairpin with small rounded ends.

Other options

This season's fashionable manicure imitating the surface of real marble looks very original, while creating it is quite simple. It is enough to use several varnishes in contrasting shades. It can be milky and black or malachite with gold. Characteristic dark streaks are created on a light background in dark color. They are drawn with a thin brush, but it can be replaced with a wooden toothpick or a sewing needle. To achieve the most realistic image, stains and veins are arranged randomly so that they resemble the natural pattern of marble. Clear dark lines should be alternated with thin branches. Marble manicure can be done on all nails or used only as an accent, applying to one or two fingers.

Gossamer. The web design is sure to appeal to stylish women who care about staying on trend. And also for those who liked the elegant lace manicure or veil, but want to improve and modernize this design a little. To create a gossamer manicure, you should choose contrasting gel polishes. You can use only two colors or several at once. A black pattern looks beautiful against the background of nude nails or a golden gossamer on a black base. Apply the drawing with the thinnest brush or other tool that will allow you to draw the thinnest lines.

Drawings in the form of various spirals and divorces can also be attributed to this type of design. To create such a nail art, it is important to choose the right color scheme. Against the background of such a design, using a simple technique, you can create any fantastic drawings. For example, apply several straight lines parallel to each other on a wet layer of gel, and draw the next few lines at an angle to them. To get a stylish blurry pattern, you can use a fan-shaped brush. It is enough to make just a couple of movements in two directions.

A design that does not require compliance with strict rules and has no restrictions, and the final result depends on the imagination of the master - abstraction. To create an abstract pattern on the nails, you can use an unlimited number of colors. There are many design options, on nails you can depict blots, geometric shapes, stains, use special yucca flakes. Blurred, fuzzy contours look quite gentle.

To make the manicure beautiful, the individual elements of the composition do not need to fit into a strict framework. A drawing with blurry edges that go beyond clear boundaries looks much more interesting. When creating an abstract manicure, you can use all kinds of devices and even improvised means. The more randomly the elements are arranged, the more original and attractive the final result will be.

The great advantage of abstract design is that it does not require artistic abilities and special skills to implement it. Due to the versatility of the design, nail art fits any style of clothing and looks beautiful on nails of any length and shape.

Color solution

This season, nail art designers, when choosing a manicure color, recommend paying attention to the following tones:

  • gold;
  • green and emerald;
  • all shades of chocolate;
  • black;
  • burgundy;
  • rich blue;
  • deep purple;
  • fuchsia;
  • coral.

At the same time, do not forget about the colors that are considered classics and can be an excellent basis for any manicure:

  • white;
  • lactic;
  • black;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • blue.

Metallic lacquer always looks win-win. All shades of gray can be used as the background. For some types of manicure, a slightly forgotten combination of black varnish with a chameleon is ideal.

Delicate nude shades are not so popular when creating a pattern on wet gel polish. When using them, you need to select a contrasting bright pair for them.

There are a large number of different options for decorating a manicure. Wet gel polish design- one of the most famous. It attracts attention, looks very beautiful, and due to the ease of implementation, it is ideal for beginners. Let's get acquainted with the features of wet gel polish manicure.

Design Features

The technique is based on the creation of a pattern on the nail plate on wet varnish. With the help of a special tool, the desired print is applied - flowers, patterns, stencil drawing. Due to the easy free movement of the hand, beautiful monograms are formed on the nails, and the colors are partly mixed, resulting in bright and original combinations.

The design can be done with a simple varnish, but thanks to the special gel polish formula, it has its own characteristics and advantages:

  • Working time. The varnish hardens under a UV lamp, as a result of which you can slowly model a clear and even pattern.
  • Liquid consistency, thanks to which the lines spread over the nail, forming delicate patterns. Too liquid means are unsuitable for manicure.
  • Bright nail polish palette, which has good durability and stays on the nails longer than usual.
  • Ease of application on wet gel polish. The ability to use simple tools in your work without purchasing professional add-ons.

The viscosity of the gel polish should be taken into account. It should have an average density and slightly spread over the nail for high-quality fixation of the pattern.

To translate creative ideas, you need a needle, toothpick or brush. The natural bristle of the brush will allow you to make soft forms of the picture, while the artificial bristle will be more distinct and brighter.

Ideas for decorating nails

It is better to choose contrasting shades. The most unusual ideas are created by combining bright colors.

If you need to change or correct the drawing, the brush should be wiped dry after any step. If this is not done, the shades will criss-cross and blend beautifully. Therefore, you just need to choose the design you like.

Movements must be done clearly and confidently to create unusual and beautiful drawings. For a specific nail art, for example, the image of a rose, color combinations should be taken into account. Red roses look perfect on a black background.

Before applying gel polish, you need to check its consistency on tips or cardboard. If shellac is very thick, you can mix it with a liquid base.

For high-quality and neat patterns, use a dog brush. It has a thick handle and a thin tip, due to which it paints well and picks up paint. In addition to the brush, you can use tips, pencils, toothpicks, needles and dots of different diameters to create different effects on the nails.

For wet design you will need:

  • base and top coat;
  • primer;
  • several colors or shades of varnish - depending on the preferred pattern;
  • brushes or needles;
  • UV lamp for drying.

Before starting the implementation of the manicure, the handles need to be put in order: move the cuticle at the base of the nails, correct the edge of the plates and grind the nail plate of each nail. Apply degreaser, primer and allow to dry. Then apply a base coat of gel polish. Cover the nail plate with two or three layers of varnish, each of which needs to be dried in a lamp.

Apply an additional layer of gel of an adjacent shade and start painting.

A guide to creating a painting with flowers on each nail step by step:

  1. With a thin brush, pick up color and apply drop by drop to the nails - this is the basis for each flower. Gradually paint each layer.
  2. The varnish can spread over the nail and mix with the base, resulting in a good combination and volume.
  3. After pulling the lines, you need to wait 10-20 seconds and dry your nails under a UV lamp.
  4. Fix the image with a top and remove the sticky layer.

Design in beige tones

This design is good for daily wear and business style. For work, you need pastel shades of gel polishes, for example, beige and brown. Step by step:

  1. After careful preparation of nails, it is necessary to cover them with a base and dry under a lamp.
  2. Paint the nail on the little finger and thumb with beige varnish, and the rest with brown.
  3. On the nameless one, make an unobtrusive pattern. On a wet brown tone, place a white gel polish dotted on top and bottom, and then stretch it from one and the other edge to the center.
  4. Cover the painting with finish and dry.

rose drawing

The image of roses on wet gel polish is a popular design. There are several options for the pattern: with buds on each nail, with an arrangement just below a small rose, complemented by petals and thorns. Or you can apply a pattern to the entire nail. Used technique:

smoky pattern

This wet nail design combines several colors that flow smoothly from one to another, thereby creating a hazy effect. Necessary actions:

As you can see, having familiarized yourself with the technique of applying a drawing on a wet base, you can easily and with a minimum amount of time create a stylish design of marigolds.

In nail design, there are several modern types of manicure:

  1. drawing a picture on a wet gel polish;
  2. stamping, shellac;
  3. drawing on a dry layer.

Drawings on wet gel polish have become popular due to their ease of execution and time saving.

The technique can be mastered by both a practicing master and a beginner. They are based on the fact that the layer on which the drawing will be applied is not dried in the lamp. The lines from this are vague, original and unusual.

To bring out beautiful drawings, it is important to know the order of applying colors and its direction.

Drawings for beginners. Schemes and features of execution

Professionals advise beginners to start with training tips. And when the hand will work more confidently, you can start practicing on the model. When performing sequences and directions of drawing on wet gel polish, the main schemes can be distinguished:

  • "dots", "circles";
  • "cobwebs", "twigs";
  • "divorces", "spirals", "curls".

Of these, more complex patterns are already combined: “rose”, “butterfly”, “peacock feather”, “marble”, “abstract patterns”, “reptile skin”.

To make drawings on wet gel polish spectacular and bright, it is better to take contrasting colors of varnishes, you can use varnishes with glitter

Before applying, you need to gently correct the cuticle with an orange stick. The first color layer is applied to the nail plate and dried in a lamp. You need to paint with a thin layer so that it does not flow under the cuticle and side rollers.

Important to remember! For drawing on wet gel polish, you need a good color base so that the nail plate does not shine through it.

To do this, apply 2 preparatory layers of varnish and dry in a lamp. And only the third layer will be working. The number of layers depends on the manufacturer. Some high-quality varnishes can achieve the desired effect with one layer.

dots, circles

Dots are applied to the wet layer of gel polish. Depending on the order of application and size, different patterns are obtained.

The combination of colors can achieve spectacular results. On a black background, small dots and circles of pastel shades look beautiful. The effect of the stone is obtained by applying large dots to the wet layer. The edges flow beautifully, and a smoky edge is obtained, like a shadow lying on a stone.

"Spiderwebs", "twigs"

"Spiderwebs" should be carefully applied with a thin brush. The thinner the line lies, the more attractive the drawing will turn out.

On a mother-of-pearl, iridescent background, a black cobweb looks organic. Drawing twigs on wet gel polish begins by applying dots in any order.

You can draw without dots, like a cobweb, first drawing the branch itself, and then putting a dot and directing it a little to the side to achieve the desired shape.

"Divorces", "spirals", "curls"

It is possible to carry out drawing and on a wet layer of a finishing covering. In this case, already on the dried white color, from under which the nail plate does not shine through, a thin layer of top is applied. The required colors are laid out on the palette.

Note! Using a palette saves the amount of varnish used.

Drawing on wet gel polish begins on one side with diagonal lines. On the other side of the nail plate, another color is applied towards the first. If the color is too bright, you can dilute it with a top.

Also, applying it helps to blur more if it's not enough. The lines blur towards each other, you can add a few points in the resulting voids. After drying in the lamp, a top coat is applied, which is also sent for drying.

To obtain a "spiral", the nail plate is painted in two colors. The border between them can pass in any place, according to the idea. With a smooth movement of the dots, a line is drawn from one color to another.

If you need to get denser lines of transitions, you can use a brush from the varnish itself. In this case, the nail is completely covered with one color, while the other is a spiral.

"Curls" are obtained from a line drawn on a wet varnish. It is enough to make a schematic drawing on the color border, as shown in the photo below.

"Hearts", "shells"

Drawing "hearts" begins with drawing dots. For layering the shape, you can make several dots of different sizes.

The thin end of the dots, starting from the top, draws a line through the center of all points. They merge into one another, the tail of the form is indicated below. You can make a whole branch of "hearts".

Imitation of "shells" can be achieved by a semi-circular arrangement of dots on a wet layer. Starting from the edge of the nail, dots are applied with the small end of the dot. With each row, their size increases. The longest and oblong points are located in the center. After that, the size decreases.

Painted, complex drawings, their schemes

Complex drawings are obtained from a combination of simple elements. It will not be difficult to master them, after practicing with the above schemes.


Rose petals are drawn with varnish on a wet layer. As it spreads, the petals will become more voluminous, and the edges will be blurry.

The gradual application of the pattern allows you to observe how the “rose blooms”, it is more convenient to adjust the distance of the petals from each other and their bends. The main tone can correct bad places.


To get started, you can find the insect color you like on the net and transfer it to the nail.

A silhouette of butterfly wings is drawn on the wet varnish. The inside is filled with the necessary colors in the intended order.

With the thin end of the dotz, you can add bright details, draw the antennae and the body of the butterfly.

Interesting fact! Doct can be replaced with a tooth stick, a needle or the reverse end of a brush.

"Peacock feather"

Using the colors characteristic of the tail of a bird will give the desired result. The first golden drop is placed in the center. Lines are drawn around it in blue, green colors.

The more shades, the richer the picture looks. At the end, gold paint is applied, stretched in the likeness of feathers.

"Abstract Patterns"

The main thing here is to choose colors that blend beautifully. On a black background, it is quite easy to make an imitation of smoke on a wet layer. A thin layer of gel polish is applied to the prepared plate, which does not dry.

Dots of different sizes are placed on it along the trajectory of the smoke jet. In this case, it is more convenient to use a brush, its soft pile will help the distribution and mixing of colors. The spreading of varnish over a wet layer gives the same smoky effect.


Thin lines of black or silver color are applied to the white, not dried layer. You can add some gold. With it, the drawing will look more textured.

With light zigzag movements of the brush, the colors are mixed. A similar method will help to achieve a pattern of malachite and other semi-precious stones.

"Reptile Skin"

To imitate reptile skin, a symmetrical application order is used. The central row of dots is larger, on the sides in a checkerboard pattern of smaller dots, making a guiding movement towards the center.

Under pressure from each other, the drops change shape and become angular, which is typical for reptile skin.

Possible errors during application

Possible mistakes Cause elimination
Gel polish doesn't spread well enoughToo thick polishColored varnish must be mixed with the finish coat
Blisters of the color layerToo thick varnishApplication of a thin layer. It's better to apply 3 thin coats than 1 thick coat.
Bubbles on applicationThe habit of shaking the bottle before useUniform rotation in different directions is sufficient to mix the pigment.

Being a rather fascinating type of design, this technique also has a lot of advantages. For example, there are an infinite number of patterns that wet gel polish nail design offers. In addition, this type is very simple to perform, and therefore it will be easy for a beginner to cope with it. It is not the accuracy of the drawing that is important here, nor is it special. tool. The main thing is that you have gel polishes that spread well when mixed.

There are not too many application techniques, however, the drawings on wet gel polish are very diverse and variable. One of the very first techniques was the mixing of two or more colors of varnishes with each other using nail art tools. A method is also popular when a contrasting shade is applied to the main color coating and various patterns are created with its help. The special charm of this type of nail design is that it is impossible to get completely identical drawings. So, each manicure is unique in its own way and inimitable.

In order to create a wet gel polish design, videos on the Internet offer a wide variety of options. And in these videos you can also peep what is required in addition to the varnish itself. These are tools without which the execution of technology is simply impossible. Among them, in addition to tools for classic manicure (UV lamp, scissors, file, etc.), you will also need special tools for drawing patterns. These are not only classic brushes, but also dots. And some craftswomen use ordinary sewing needles and toothpicks, using such simple devices to create real masterpieces!

How to create a design?

If you want to design nails on wet gel polish, video materials can be an excellent guide in this matter. Although the basic steps here for all types of drawing are practically the same. So, the first thing you need to do is:

  1. Make a manicure by treating the nails and shaping them by removing the cuticle.
  2. Remove natural shine by polishing the nail plate with a special file.
  3. Coat the plate with a degreaser, antiseptic, primer.
  4. Apply a thin base coat and cure in the lamp for one minute.
  5. Apply colored varnish and dry the layer with a lamp, and apply a second layer ultra-thinly so that it does not drain.
  6. Put a few drops of a different color on a dry layer and randomly blend with a tool to get a pattern.
  7. Cure the design with a lamp.
  8. If desired, you can decorate the drawings on the nails with wet gel polish by gluing rhinestones, using pigments, or by drawing individual elements when the coating is dry.
  9. Top coat - done!

When working, position your hand with the tool as comfortably as possible so that it does not tremble or slip.

Interesting drawings on wet gel polish videos and photos are presented in large numbers. For example, using a very thin brush or needle, you can create a pattern that mimics the skin of a reptile. This option can be performed with the help of shades close to each other and choosing completely different colors.

Another interesting idea is partial coverage. Let some area of ​​​​the nail plate be unpainted. This technique is most often used to create geometric patterns on nails and is very popular due to its unusualness. Her distant ancestor is the French manicure technique.

A classic, but no less interesting idea is colored stains on a contrasting background. Despite the fact that this option has been used for a very long time, its relevance does not decrease. In addition, for divorces, you can use as many shades as you like. Thus, it will be easy to create an unusual and unique design.

A variety of drawings do not go unnoticed. Of course, only professional craftsmen can achieve the same accuracy in creating a pattern, which happens when using special stickers. But even for beginners in this matter, who have not yet got their hands on it, very interesting options are obtained. A variety of flowers, highlights, even whole paintings or butterfly wings can be created using this technique!

Ideas and nuances

This type of manicure is good because it is suitable for nails of any length: short, medium and long. It is also versatile in terms of form. Both oval and square nails will look especially interesting with him. However, for each shape or length there are their own, the most suitable types of design:

  • Short nails suggest full pattern coverage. A lone accent somewhere in the corner or in the middle will look incomplete, there will be a feeling that something is missing. But if you cover short nails (especially square ones) with a pattern completely, this will draw additional attention to them and complete your stylish look.
  • Long nails. As opposed to nails of short length, options with single elements of a large size, or with many small ones, are suitable for them. Also, the option of partial coverage of the nail plate is appropriate here.
  • good because they are suitable for options for both short and long nails.

As already mentioned, it will be easy even for beginners to bring such a design to life. Of course, you should not immediately try to reproduce the paintings of great artists on your nails. Simple design ideas for wet varnish will allow you to become the owner of a stylish manicure, even if you have no experience.

Give preference to exceptionally high-quality coating - otherwise you will not get a good manicure.

For example, what could be easier than creating a spiral by dropping a drop of varnish into the center of the nail and stretching it with a special tool or a simple toothpick? With a little practice, in the same way it will be possible to draw on the nails the queen of the garden - a rose. Also among the simple options can be noted light geometric elements and partial coverage. In addition, beginners can be advised not to use all the nails at once - but to begin with, select one of them using this type of nail art.

Advantages and disadvantages

A lot of advantages make this type of design one of the most attractive. For example, if you do not want to use specialized tools, ordinary improvised devices are enough. Well, a beautiful design can be obtained even on the first try, which is good news. The truly endless number of pattern options is another nice bonus.

Of the shortcomings, only one can be distinguished - you need to work quickly and accurately. After all, if the varnish begins to harden, it is unlikely that the drawing will be corrected. Will have to start all over again. Yes, and a hand that trembled at the wrong time is able to put an end to your efforts.

After studying the video materials with the work of the masters of wet gel polish, following all the rules, you can easily and quickly make a manicure that will become the best decoration for your hands!

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