Makeup for brown eyes is simple. How to do daytime makeup for brown eyes. Step-by-step makeup instructions for brown eyes

Usually they start with a range accessible to everyone, universal for all ages and color types. Beige-brown shadows will help create a discreet makeup, ideal for “every day” use.

The arrow can be made thinner or drawn with a pencil

Typically, makeup artists warn fashionistas against using eyeshadow whose shade is close to the color of the eyes. But you can forget about it! Brown eyes are the only ones that look perfect in a similar color scheme.

You can limit yourself to shadows without using a pencil or eyeliner

A real find for those who value naturalness. This kind of makeup takes no less time than others, but the effect is amazing!

A little mascara, nude and brown eyeshadow, blush, lip balm - the look is ready!

The only shade to avoid is gray. It can be used as an accent or for shading, but it is not recommended as a main color!

Instead of gray, it is better to use white or milky color

Shine and shine

If you want to create a simple, not flashy makeup for every day, you should be careful with satin and shiny textures. Such shining options are ideal in summer and early autumn, because they look especially impressive on tanned skin.

Advice! It is better to combine shiny and iridescent shadows with matte ones so that the makeup is not too bright.

Satin shadows are used to line the lower eyelid. On the top there is a dense matte gold color

The best choice is eyeshadow in gold, copper or bronze shades. The first one is best used as the main color, the rest - as accents and to darken the corner of the eye.

It is important not to apply too many of these textures, otherwise the look will be close to evening. It's better not to tint the lower eyelid

You can highlight the inner corner of the eye a little with shiny or pearlescent shadows. They should not be applied under the eyebrow: it will create too much shine; this option is suitable for a party or holiday.

It is better to highlight the area under the eyebrow with a light beige color.

Colored haze

If you want variety, you should stop at lilac, lavender and violet.

It is not necessary to use many shades; one color, slightly whitened with pearlescent shadows, is enough.
The color is not aggressive, but bright and most importantly - absolutely self-sufficient

Contrasting shades highlight eye color best. For dark browns it is blue and turquoise. The main thing is to choose the right shade and apply the shadows correctly.

Bright gel-based shadows can be applied to the entire eyelid. But with matte textures you should be careful not to create an image from the 80s

Deep blue color will be a wonderful option for decorating the outer corner of the eye or lower eyelid.

Quite a bold, but very effective option!

Pink dreams

The pink color scheme refreshes the face and gives it a rested, healthy look. And also perfect for brown eyes!

Choose your shades carefully, otherwise your eyes will look tear-stained!

The look is innocent, fresh and girlish

Don't like pure pink shades? At your disposal are peach and salmon colors - bright, complex and very interesting!

Some are afraid to use these shades, considering them too flashy. And completely in vain! This is the perfect match for brown eyes

To prevent pink makeup from looking too aggressive, choose calm shades close to beige and combine with other colors in the palette (dark purple, brown, etc.).

By varying the intensity of the eyeliner and darkening the outer corner, we get a universal makeup for any occasion!

Many people consider smokey makeup to be an exclusively evening type of makeup. In fact, by leaving the technique and changing the color scheme, we will get a rather noticeable but elegant daytime makeup.

A light, translucent haze makes the look mysterious and alluring

In the case of daytime smokey eyes, there is no need to darken the outer corner of the eye and lighten the inner one. It is enough to apply one color evenly over the entire upper eyelid.

Ideal for lovers of minimalistic but expressive makeup!

Opt for a taupe or tobacco shade: they will create a slight haze around the eyes, making the look mysterious and slightly fatal.

The eyeliner is shaded, the ashy brown shade does not cover the entire upper eyelid, but is applied into the crease

Of the metallic shades, bronze is the best - do not apply too many shadows so that the makeup does not turn out gloomy.

This noble shade suits both dark, almost black, eyes and light, hazel ones.

Bright accents

Sometimes you really want bright colors and experiments! Who said that everyday makeup should be boring and monochrome? Summer ideas will refresh your style!

Shades of yellow, pink and pearlescent shine - but the image does not turn out to be flashy!

The same turquoise shades will help create a catchy, unique look that will suit both brunettes and fair-haired women.

By the way, turquoise forms an excellent tandem with bronze and chocolate shades

Of course, if you want to wear makeup for work in the office, you should choose quieter options. But for walks or meeting with friends, you can use, for example, beautiful shades of orange, coral, azure and yellow.

Mint color is not as catchy as turquoise, and therefore is suitable for dreamy, gentle natures

For a date, you can wear attractive, alluring makeup in pink and purple shades. It can also be more active and contrasting than the usual everyday look.

Quite catchy, but still feminine and soft makeup

Eyeliner and winged eyeliner for daytime makeup for brown eyes

We usually associate daytime makeup with smooth lines, invisible, neat transitions and pastel colors. It is best to use a pencil rather than eyeliner, shading the border, making the line soft and not too graphic.

All you need is one or two shades of eye shadow and a pencil, shaded with a special sponge or thick brush.

But you don’t have to use exclusively black for eyeliner! Brown-eyed beauties should take note of brown, wine and burgundy shades.

This color is softer than black and perfectly emphasizes the color of the eyes.

Shades of purple look bright and unusual - from delicate to futuristic. These look good over beige and nude eyeshadow.

A pencil of this color can be applied to the lower eyelid, close to the eyelash edge, and the upper eyelid can be lined with black. No bright shadows, otherwise the image will turn out flashy. A small stylish accent that will definitely not go unnoticed!

Beauty secrets of brown-eyed celebrities

Now let's see what makeup tricks the stars use and how they give their look even more charm.

Keira Knightley prefers a light smokey eye in natural brown tones. Once a rebel and a tomboy, she prefers the style of a true lady

At social events, heavy, multi-layered evening makeup rules the roost. In everyday life, many stars use a minimum of cosmetics, without resorting to the help of makeup artists.

Sexy Eva Longoria loves active makeup in pink and purple tones and uses it as an everyday

Our beauties do not lag behind and can give odds to many foreign celebrities! After all, Russian stars also have a lot to learn, and some of them are already rightfully considered style gurus.

Smiling Sati Casanova loves natural makeup in pink and brown tones and, like a true oriental beauty, loves elegant eyeliner!

As time goes by, the images of celebrities change. It is worth adopting the experience of stars who experiment with their appearance, do not “get stuck” in the image of teenagers and frivolous girls, but turn into worthy, elegant ladies.

Maria Kozhevnikova, who once loved bright makeup, after giving birth to children and starting a political career, prefers to limit herself to shaded black pencil

Video with step-by-step reproduction of light daytime makeup for brown-eyed brunettes

Brown eyes - fatal, alluring, mysterious - are an unconditional advantage that can and should be correctly emphasized. The given diagrams will help make your experiments in makeup as successful as possible, and the example of celebrities will inspire you to create your own unique images. After all, if you feel irresistible, your look exudes confidence and joy. And it’s so easy to drown in beautiful, happy eyes!

In the race for attractiveness, girls experiment with their appearance, dye their hair and create unique makeup. Daytime makeup for brown eyes involves the use of discreet and brilliant shades.

How to create beautiful daytime makeup for brown eyes

Make-up is performed in daylight conditions, without flashy details. The image should look natural, radiate health and vigor. It is not recommended to use products with a shimmering effect. Covers sparkling with a greasy, unnatural sheen create the effect of sloppiness and lack of grooming. It is best to cover your face with matte powder or cream with a suitable shade.

For everyday makeup, lips are painted with a delicate pink shade of lipstick or a color close to the natural palette. It is not prohibited to use red chords, maintaining the border between natural beauty and vulgarity. Small sponges can be made visually larger by powdering them.

The main detail of daytime makeup is an expressive look. Precisely selected chords of shadows for brown eyes, harmoniously combined with other decorative products, will help you create beautiful makeup.

How to do natural make-up: selection of shadows

A walk to the store or being in a work environment requires the selection of unobtrusive shades of eyeshadow that will neatly highlight female beauty. We give preference to soft pink, brown, green chords. For Snow Whites with brown eyes, cool colors are suitable: white, blue, light blue, black, etc. For those with brown eyes and dark skin, you should pay attention to warm tones. Beige, red-brown, delicate pastel shades will ideally complement your everyday look.

Blondes with brown eyes should give preference to sand, peach or coffee accents. The combination of light and dark shadows adds expressiveness and openness to the look. For girls with dark hair, chocolate, silver and lilac colors are suitable. The plum shade looks appropriate and attractive, both against the background of brown eyes of brunettes, and in combination with light curls. To extend the wear of your makeup, it is better to use an eyeshadow base. The product preserves the original appearance of the shadows, prevents them from rolling and falling off.

What to pay attention to when creating daytime makeup for brown eyes

1. Eyelashes. Brown-eyed girls are naturally endowed with black frequent eyelashes. You can highlight your eyes with a small amount of mascara. Graceful curves are brought to life with the help of eyelash curlers. The shade of the product is selected taking into account the hair color. The look of a blonde with brown eyes can be made even more natural by painting her eyelashes with brown mascara. Brunettes and girls with red hair should take a closer look at classic black models. Summer is a time of experimentation and rich colors. For the warm season, you can not limit the choice of mascara to standard options, and expand your arsenal of cosmetics with multi-colored attributes.

2. Eyebrows. Beauties with brown eyes, as a rule, have thick, dark eyebrows. You can make your face expressive with the right eyebrow shape and thickness. The rich natural color allows you to eliminate the use of eyebrow pencil and limit yourself to regular combing of hairs. The eyebrows in the daytime makeup of blondes with brown eyes should be a little lighter than their hair color; dark-haired girls should choose a pencil that matches their curls or is a little darker. You can fix the created shape using a special gel. The product gives the eyebrows a neat and well-groomed look.

3. Eyeliner. The product is used to emphasize boundaries, create a certain shape and give expressiveness. Eyeliner helps to visually enlarge your eyes. The lower eyelid of small brown eyes is covered with a neat, clear line, creating the effect of open eyes.

Daytime makeup can be created at home using classic black eyeliner. Modern fashion trends involve shading the lines, so if the choice is between a pencil and liquid eyeliner, it is better to give preference to the first option. Loose shadows are also used, which are applied with a thin brush. For girls with light curls, gray options are suitable; brown-haired women choose rich dark colors.

4. Blush. It is recommended to create daytime makeup using blush when you need to correct the oval of your face and give a healthy look to naturally pale skin. Chubby girls should apply the product along the cheekbones. This technique helps to elongate the face, giving the image femininity and lightness. When choosing shades of blush, you should pay attention to discreet options that will only gently correct the natural appearance.

5. Lips. Experienced stylists and makeup artists focus on one detail when creating makeup. If you want to highlight your eyes, then choose natural accents for your lips. For dry lips, choose light moisturizing glosses and lipsticks.

Pink and coral chords are suitable for fair-haired beauties with brown eyes. Girls with red curls can use light brown, beige and copper lip products. Brunettes should choose burgundy tones with moderate saturation. For the hot season, it is worth choosing not only beautiful chords, but also additional protection from the harmful effects of sunlight.

Daytime makeup for brown eyes with step-by-step photos

1. Cover the movable element with a light brown, golden tint.

2. Paint the area above the main surface brown, several tones darker than the main component.

3. Cover the outer corner with a dark gray or black product.

4.Using a soft pencil, draw a thin arrow along the contour of the upper surface.

5.Draw a neat stroke on the bottom contour, touching the middle of the border and the outer area.

6. Apply one layer of mascara to the eyelashes.

A quick make-up is suitable for wearing to work and allows you to spend a minimum of time creating a beautiful look.

Delicate spring makeup for brown eyes

1. We paint the upper eyelid with beige, sandy chords.

2. We emphasize the contour of the moving area with a neat line of blue shadows.

3.Apply a similar color to the outer part of the eyelid.

4. At this stage we use dark chocolate-colored shadows or light gray chords. We envelop the element above the main picture with accents, touching the outer corner of the eye.

5. Cover the contour of the lower section with a blue tint.

6.Add light chords to the makeup on the inner corner and a dark line along the eyelash growth contour.

7. We emphasize the natural shape and color of the eyelashes with mascara.

Charming daytime makeup looks restrained and laconic, attracting attention with a balanced color scheme.

Bright daytime makeup

1. Cover the eyelid with light brown color.

2. Cover the area above the moving eyelid and the contour of the lower area with dark brown chords, which blend perfectly with brown eyes.

3.Apply shadows with green pigment to the outer and inner sections of the upper surface. Using the chosen color, we cover part of the fold above the eyelid and the growth line of the lower eyelashes.

4.We outline the look with graceful arrows and carefully paint over the eyelashes.

Unusual makeup is applied for daytime walks and entertainment. The presented look can also be used as evening makeup for brown eyes.

Daytime makeup for teenagers

1.Apply a base for shadows to the upper area.

2. Paint the surface under the eyebrow with a white accord to add a neat note to the makeup.

3. Cover the outer corner with brown strokes. Shading the accent.

4. Cover the main surface with light brown, add shadows in tones such as mustard and dark brown.

5.Create smooth transitions. Draw the lash line on the upper eyelid with a thin brown line.

6. Cover the eyelashes with mascara.

7. You can complement your daytime makeup with blush, apply transparent gloss or lipstick in a natural shade to your lips.

The presented example of make-up is suitable for daily trips to school and walks with friends.

Daytime summer make-up

1. Cover the strip above the moving area with shadows with brown pigment, touching the outer part of the eyelid.

2.Apply turquoise, blue and dark blue chords to the main working surface.

3. We emphasize the bottom line with a brown chord.

4.Shade the borders and complement the make-up with a thin turquoise liner.

5. Carefully paint over the eyelashes.

The make-up captivates with its variety of shades and rich accents. The look is suitable for summer walks, trips to cafes and pleasant meetings.

Elegant makeup for brown eyes with an arrow

1.Using a brown pencil, draw lines above the moving area, in the outer corner and on the lower eyelid.

2.Add shadows to match the tone and shade the strokes.

3.Using thin eyeliner, draw a neat line along the contour of the upper eyelashes.

4. Cover the eyelashes with a layer of mascara.

The daytime look is suitable for gray work days and will color the standard look with light notes.

Daytime makeup requires a specific color scheme and application technique. In addition, everyday makeup is at the same time gentle, neat and sensual. You can do daytime makeup without having any special skills in this area, just arm yourself with a palette of shadows and choose the right shade of lipstick to match them.

Features of creating daytime makeup for brown eyes

Daytime makeup involves minimal use of cosmetics. It is also called "no makeup makeup". However, there are a number of different ways to apply beautiful everyday makeup for girls with brown eyes. Make-up for every day has its limitations, regardless of hair and eye color.

Basic rules of daytime makeup for girls with brown eyes:

  • Don't forget about facial care. A toner, moisturizer or SPF cream will come in handy here;
  • Instead of the usual foundation, we use BB cream;
  • Bronzer, rich blush, berebor with concealer - taboo;
  • It is necessary to abandon false eyelashes and bright colored mascara;
  • Before applying makeup, be sure to cover your face, neck and eyelids with BB cream;
  • It is not recommended to apply shimmer or glitter to the eyes, except in the wings;
  • The color palettes of eye shadow and lipstick should match each other.

Among other things, it is extremely important to pay due attention to eyebrow shaping. It’s not for nothing that many experts say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the eyebrows are their frame. Eyebrows should be a shape and shade that suits your face type, preferably a couple of shades darker than your hair color.

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When choosing the color scheme of shadows for daytime makeup, makeup artists recommend that brown-eyed girls give preference to discreet matte tones. The following shades are suitable for everyday make-up:

  • Peach;
  • Champagne;
  • Light brown;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Light pink;
  • Powdery;
  • Smoky rose;
  • Light grey;
  • Smoky.

Experts recommend avoiding makeup done entirely in bright colors. You are allowed to add only one or two nuances of the chosen color, so as not to overdo it with makeup. Basically, such elements are used in makeup for dates during the day.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of lipstick. It should be a couple of shades lighter or darker than the shades chosen for eye makeup. At the same time, the color spectrum for lipstick is quite wide:

  • Nude shades: beige, brown, pink;
  • Fawn tones;
  • Brick tide;
  • Red undertone;
  • Caramel color;
  • Peach;
  • Dusty pink shade.

You should choose a lipstick based on your eye makeup. So, if your makeup has rich nuances, then for your lips it is better to choose a matte texture in a nude style. In the case when the look is highlighted with the help of simple and discreet shadows, it is recommended to highlight the lips with a darker lipstick with a deeper shade.

Daytime makeup techniques for brown eyes

To create daytime makeup for brown eyes, there are a number of different techniques that help girls create a charming, memorable, but at the same time gentle look. The most popular make-up techniques for everyday life are:

  • Nude style - makeup done in nude shades, as natural as possible;
  • The option with arrows is nude, complemented by elegant classic black arrows or with shiny eyeliner;
  • Smokey eyes in brown tones or soft gray.

To fix the resulting makeup, makeup artists advise using a special primer - a fixative spray that is applied over the cosmetics and helps fix it. Thanks to this simple remedy, mascara and shadows will not fall off your eyes, and eyeliner will not smear.


Nude makeup perfectly complements the look of girls with brown eyes. At the same time, nude does not have to be boring or simple. The difference between this technique and others is in the color scheme. Nude shades suitable for owners of brown eyes:

  • Beige;
  • Bodily;
  • Light brown;
  • Peach;
  • White;
  • Dusty pink;
  • Smoky coral.

Experts in the field of make-up say that a nude style, complemented by arrows or a small colorful accent, will be extremely relevant. It is also recommended to use different makeup application techniques with selected eyeshadow colors.

  • Golden;
  • Purple;
  • Pink;
  • Coral.

There are several ways to perform nude makeup. The simplest is to cover the entire eyelid with a single color and highlight the outer or inner corner of the eyes.

Stage 1. Select the lightest shade from the palette and apply it to the eyelid, covering the entire eyelid. Using a medium-sized brush, blend a little so that the surface of the shadow blends smoothly with the skin color.

Stage 2. Apply a more saturated deep shade with a medium soft brush to the crease of the eyelid. Blend from the outer corner of the eyes to the inner corner to create a smooth color transition.

Stage 3. From the same palette, choose a darker shade that matches the color scheme with the previous one. Using a narrow brush, apply shadows to the outer corner of the eye, forming a small oval, and blend. Using the same color, draw a small line under the lower eyelid along its entire length.

Eyeliner on the lower eyelid helps deepen the look, making it more piercing and enchanting. This technique can also be used to make the eyes appear smaller or to emphasize their shape. At the last stage, we paint the eyelashes with black or brown mascara.

Another nude makeup option for brown eyes includes rich coral accent and is more suitable for business lunches or a date.

Stage 1. Apply light beige eyeshadow to the eyelid. Then we add peach to the crease of the eyelid, shade it and give it a pointed shape so that the corner extends beyond the eye to the eyebrow line. The second shade should not completely cover the first; a small light line should be left above the eyelashes.

Any unevenness left after applying the peach tone can be easily hidden with concealer. You can also use it to draw a straight line under the shadows to achieve the ideal “leaf” shape.

Stage 2. Carefully paint the outer corner of the eye with a more saturated shade with a red undertone, repeating the previous contour to create a “leaf” shape. Shade the edges a little for a smooth transition.

Stage 3. Apply a light shade, for example white, pale yellow or beige, to the inner corner of the eye. We do the shading in such a way that the color smoothly transitions into a light line above the eyelid. Add some shadow under the lower eyelid in a thin layer to add shine.

This completes the nude makeup for brown eyes with a bright color accent using the “leaf” technique. It is advisable to complement it with brown mascara and matte lipstick in pink tones or with a slight brown tint.

With arrows

Daytime makeup for brown eyes quite often includes winged eyeliner. Classic black, two-layer, glitter - almost any eyeliner can complement your everyday makeup. The main rule of this makeup is nude shades.

Before drawing arrows, you need to prepare your face for makeup: wipe with toner, moisturize, apply BB cream. This will be enough for minimalist makeup. Then you can draw arrows using eyeliner or a pencil and paint over the eyelashes. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the color of the mascara; for example, golden arrows are better suited to brown.

Double-layered arrows also do not require applying eye shadow. You need to choose a beautiful color combination, and the main arrow should be wider than the additional one.

In makeup for brown eyes you can use combinations:

  • Nude style and wide black arrows;
  • No shadows and two-layer arrows;
  • Relief technique and classic hands.

In such cases, it is better to choose a lipstick of a more saturated shade with a brick, red or brown tint. Matte lipstick in scarlet tones will look most advantageous.

Smokey ice or smoky

Contrary to most opinions, smokey eye is quite suitable not only for evening events, but also as an everyday make-up. Smoky makeup is ideal for girls with brown eyes. Leading makeup artists in the world use this technique for completely different occasions.

  • From light brown to chocolate shade;
  • Transition from light gray to smoky nuance;
  • From beige or nude to brick;
  • From soft pink to coral.

In addition to smokey eyes, owners of brown eyes are recommended to wear delicate lipsticks in pastel colors: dusty rose, nude, peach or light brown.

Daytime makeup made using the smoky eye technique should exclude winged lines, especially wide black ones. It is also not recommended to use false eyelashes or shimmer.

For a date

When going on a date, you first need to highlight your eyes, and then your lips. In contrast to evening makeup, daytime makeup for girls with brown eyes should under no circumstances contain bright colors (green, blue, purple).

Suitable shades of brown eye makeup for a date:

  • Golden;
  • Champagne;
  • Powdery;
  • Ash pink;
  • Cream;
  • Brule;
  • Sand;
  • Coffee.

You can apply shadows using various techniques, but it is not recommended to choose more than two shades, especially in combination with arrows. For brown eyes, an option with a slight shine is also perfect; for this, it is recommended to choose pearlescent shadows.

The main thing in daytime makeup for brown eyes is to choose the right shades of eye shadow, avoid going overboard with elements and use natural lipstick tones. This makeup is guaranteed to give your image lightness and freshness!

Eye makeup plays an important role in creating a woman's image, her image. In order to naturally be able to highlight your strengths and hide some shortcomings, it is important to know the subtleties and wisdom of applying makeup, otherwise the result may be completely opposite.

Below is how to do everyday makeup for brown eyes step by step (photos are provided for each instruction).

Any eye color has a palette that can most clearly emphasize the expressiveness and attractiveness of specific eyes.

Shadows for brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls have an undoubted advantage over others, which lies in an almost unlimited choice of shades when applying makeup. Some shades may not look quite right, but there is always a choice.

The general rule from professional makeup artists is to prefer eyeshadows that are different in color or shade from the eyes: bright green, bronze, gold, brown, blue, etc. Mixing different colors will also help you choose the most optimal option, which will emphasize the expressiveness and depth of the eyes.

The color type also influences the choice of color palette; depending on it, some shades will be able to show their advantages more favorably than others. There is no need to be afraid of experiments - the result is worth it!

Light brown goes with light tones, and dark brown will sparkle with complex, bright, rich shades(chocolate, bronze, plum, olives, coal).

The most favorable colors:

Brown-eyed women should pay attention to their skin tone when choosing eyeshadow colors. For ladies with a yellowish skin tone, it is not recommended to experiment too much with yellow shadows, and if the skin is red, shades of red or pink will visually only aggravate the situation.

Eyeliner for brown eyes

A line drawn with black eyeliner or pencil on the upper eyelid along the eyelashes will add luxury to brown eyes. Purple eyeliner in addition to blue or green shadows will add bottomless depth to your look.

The color type also influences the choice of color palette; depending on it, some shades will be able to show their advantages more favorably than others.

An excellent option is eyeliner with a metallic sheen; to add additional brightness, simply line the upper inner edge and the lower outer edge. You can combine metallic with gray, blue or cool green.

A dark blue pencil (eyeliner) is equally good to use for both evening and daytime use.

Brown eyeliner must be 1 - 2 shades darker than the eyes, otherwise it will not be noticeable on the eyes.

When using green eyeliners, it is better to choose olive and emerald shades that will provide shine and depth to the eyes.

Mascara for brown eyes

The following mascara will give you magical mystery: green, emerald-pearl, brown, black with a tint of bronze or silver mother-of-pearl. It will make your look warmer, more expressive and noble.

Makeup artists remind you that Choose the shade of mascara according to your hair color. Although brunettes can experiment with all of the above shades, adding black or black-brown mascara to them, blondes with brown eyes are better off opting for green, brown, bronze or silver mascara, which will most favorably emphasize the tenderness of the look.

How to do makeup for brown eyes depending on their type

Skillful application of makeup will help highlight your advantages and disguise some undesirable nuances. Everyday makeup for brown eyes is applied step by step (photos below) for various features of the eye structure.

If the eyes are set close

There are some secrets that allow you to visually increase the distance:

Everyday makeup for close-set hair x brown eyes:

  1. Movable eyelid (inner zone and middle) designed in the lightest matte tone.
  2. Plot inside accentuated with white pencil or shadows. The arrow is shaded.
  3. dark colors, applied to the area of ​​the moving eyelid from the outside will visually lengthen the eyes.
  4. On the outer third of the lower eyelid shade the tones, make an accent in the corner with a rich color.
  5. Use a dark pencil (eyeliner) to draw the corners from the outside, while lengthening the shape of the eyes.
  6. Draw carefully with ink eyelashes on the outer areas.

This algorithm allows you to experiment with different tones.

If your eyes are deep-set

When applying makeup to deep-set eyes, there are many options for correcting this feature, which, by the way, is often not negative at all. You can try creamy, bronze, peach, light marsh, purple colors, using a light color (for example, peach) as a base for daytime makeup.

Main rule: use a maximum of 3 shades to avoid “overloading” the image.

Step-by-step application of everyday makeup for deep-set brown eyes with photos:

  1. Step 1. Draw a brown, chocolate or dark gray outline along the eyelid.
  2. Step 2. Using a brush, distribute the base tones from the zones inside, gradually moving upward. This will make the look softer.
  3. Step 3. Apply voluminous mascara exclusively to the upper eyelashes; with a dark color you can shade the lower contour closer to the outer area.

If your eyes are wide-set

Everyday makeup options for wide-set brown eyes include the following steps:

  1. Step 1. Correction of the eyebrow line. According to the classic version, the beginning of the eyebrows coincides with the end line of the wings of the nose. A wide section of the eyebrows can be slightly lengthened with a pencil towards the bridge of the nose, which will visually bring the eyes closer.
  2. Step 2. As a rule, shadows take two colors (light and dark). First, the base is applied, then a dark shade is applied from the inside with shading to the middle part. Light colors with shading towards the middle part fall on the outer zone.
  3. Step 3. The eyeliner is made thicker in the area inside, thinning it towards the outer area. The contour should not be extended beyond the outer edge of the eye, this will help to avoid excessive lengthening of the eyes.
  4. Step 4. Eyelashes are painted with mascara twice, giving them the desired direction to the inner edge.

The most profitable make-up options are Smoky eyes, “cat’s eyes”, oriental style, with an emphasis on the internal area.

If your eyes are droopy

Makeup has two goals: to disguise a flaw and add expressiveness. The main focus of the makeup is the lips. A raised, not very thick, elongated eyebrow is a good way to distract attention from a flaw.

Step-by-step makeup technique:

How to Do Everyday Makeup for Brown Eyes: Step-by-Step Guide

Preparing the skin for makeup application

Before directly applying makeup, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin, which affects both the appearance and health of the skin.

Usually this process is not particularly difficult, can be easily carried out under normal conditions and consists of several stages:

Applying base to eyes

The base is distributed over the skin in an even layer with your fingers, a brush or another method. This stage will protect the skin from harmful influences, prolong its youth, and preserve its beauty.

It is recommended to use powder as a degreaser for the skin around the eyes, also to make the makeup last longer and to prevent shadows from curling.

Direct eye makeup

The everyday version of the make-up is carried out step by step after complete drying and absorption of the above preparatory agents. Makeup is applied in accordance with the shape and color of the eyes and the chosen image.

Lip design

The final stage of creating an image is shaping the lips, which is performed at the end of the entire procedure, after preliminary application and absorption of the lip hygiene product.

Applying the bottom layer with regular hygienic lipstick, followed by a light dusting of powder, will help to add richness to the color of the main lipstick. Then, using a pencil, you should give the necessary contour to your lips and apply the first layer of lipstick.

How to make everyday Smoky eyes for brown eyes step by step with photos

The “smoky eyes” option, or otherwise Smoky eyes, is a very worthy day or evening option for brown-eyed beauties. The technique of applying it is not particularly complicated.

The main secret of a successful and effective make-up lies in its step-by-step implementation, with careful and accurate shading of all lines and creating smooth transitions from one shade to another.

There are two ways to apply the Smoky eyes technique:

  • First, eyeliner is applied, then shadow is applied;
  • or, conversely, the contour completes the makeup.

Everyday Smoky eyes makeup for brown eyes step by step with photos:

  • even out skin tone, apply foundation;
  • draw an outline, thicker towards the outer zone, shade;
  • paint the largest area of ​​the top with the darkest color from the eyelashes of the outer zone to the beginning of the moving part of the eyelid;
  • the middle tone goes to the eyelid below and the middle of the top one, carefully shading the transitions;
  • under the eyebrow and on the edge inside goes with the lightest color, with the same shading of the transition;
  • use mascara in a couple of layers, carefully paint over their outer edges;
  • light blush and lipstick(shimmer) neutral shades will complete the look.

The main secret of successful and effective everyday makeup for brown eyes, step by step, lies in its step-by-step implementation, with careful and accurate shading of all lines and creating smooth transitions from one shade to another (see photo).

All that remains is to decide on the choice of colors for “smoky eyes”. The range of shades used for Smoky eyes is very wide: daring purple, bright blue, soft green, bronze, gold or metallic silver. Saturation depends on the type of makeup (daytime, evening).

Pro Tips: How to Do Perfect Eye Makeup

Listening to the opinion of professionals, you can apply any makeup yourself, without spending much time and money:

  1. Using a white or nude pencil on the mucous membrane of the eyelid below will visually open the eye.
  2. Using a red dot placed on the edge of the eye eyes appear wider.
  3. Draw arrows with pencil (eyeliner) along the upper line of the eyelid with your eyes closed.
  4. The base will save make-up neat throughout the day.
  5. Having drawn a triangular arrow with dark shadows, looking up, the drooping corners of the eyes will visually lift. You should not emphasize the eyelid below at all, or lightly draw on the inner edge along the eyelashes.
  6. Always apply makeup with special care, because even small errors will stand out clearly against the background of the eyes.
  7. Abuse bright colors in Everyday make-up is not allowed, you should use a minimum amount of shadows.

It is believed that brown-eyed women are most likely to rely on beauty, which is expressed in constant self-care. Having mastered the art of everyday makeup for brown eyes, using step-by-step tips and photos from the article, it will not be at all difficult to cause everyone’s delight.

Useful videos about makeup options for brown-eyed girls

Everyday makeup for brown eyes:

Pogashovo with photo instructions for applying makeup on brown eyes:

Brown eyes have always been associated with passion and romance. Girls with brown eyes have captivated many great people. Such eyes are considered magnetic and even mystical. The ability to emphasize it with the help of cosmetics makes a woman irresistible.

Makeup for brown eyes should not start with the classic steps of applying mascara or eyeliner. Pre-makeup with light skin prep.

If you see swelling, redness or swelling on the eyelids (any symptoms of fatigue), then make a mask or use special correctors. Then the skin must be given an even and clear color.

So that the eyes are the only bright accent on the face. Apply foundation and powder evenly onto your face in a small amount.

When choosing mascara, do not use silver or gray shadows. Also avoid terracotta colors. Makeup artists recommend doing even light makeup for brown eyes only taking into account your skin type and hair tone.

Blondes are better suited to calm tones. For brunettes, makeup artists use catchy tones in their make-up. Expressive make-up should be done with eyeliner. Oriental makeup suits brown-eyed girls very well. The eyeliner is applied in a straight line.

Try to make it closer to the eyelash line (the line should be widened towards the outer corner) and on the lower eyelid as thin as possible.

Using this technique, eyeliner will make your eyes almond-shaped. This will give them a charming mystery. The color of the eyeliner should be chosen based on the shadows.

In addition to the classic black (brown) color, you can safely experiment. Try lilac or pink.

Volume and length are added with mascara. Mascara should be chosen only in black color. Brown-eyed ladies should not paint their eyelashes with brown or gray mascara. If desired, you can use cosmetics in alternative colors (turquoise, greens). To add volume, lightly powder your eyelashes before applying mascara.

Step-by-step makeup instructions for brown eyes

  1. Emphasize the contour of the eyes using a cosmetic pencil (or eyeliner).
  2. Apply eyeshadow (choose only one or two shades). A dark tone is used for the outer corners. Light – for internal ones. Blend to give natural color transitions.
  3. Apply mascara. When applying mascara, the main thing is not to overdo it. Paint your eyelashes in no more than two layers. Before the second layer, you need to let the mascara dry so that clumps do not form and the eyelashes themselves do not stick together.

Evening makeup for brown eyes

For evening make-up, you can use a catchy palette. It can include from 2 to 4 tones.

Use your own taste and do not overdo it with bright colors. They must be combined, otherwise extravagant eye makeup can become tasteless and ruin the whole impression.

Basic steps:

  • Choose a dominant shade from the selected color palette and apply it.
  • Apply a color along the fold of the skin that will be one tone darker than the dominant one. Next, apply the remaining tones and blend.
  • To get a classic dark makeup for brown eyes, add contrasting touches - they will increase expressiveness. If your eyes are narrow, then a contrasting stroke should be done on the inner eyelid. If your eyes are large, then make a bright stroke on the outer eyelid.
  • Line your eyes with black eyeliner.

Beautiful daytime makeup for brown eyes

Everyday make-up does not require flashiness. Brown eyes have great expressiveness, so that even with a minimum of makeup they can make the right impression.

Use golden tones (maybe lilac) if you have dark hair. Pastel colors are perfect for blondes. You can also pay attention to light purple.

Everyday makeup for brown eyes does not involve the use of eyeliner. If it is still necessary to emphasize the contour, then it is better to do it with shadows.

Features of makeup for brown-eyed blondes

Blonde girls are better off using light colors. Choose gentle and calm tones.

Basic steps:

  • Correction of problem areas of the skin, applying makeup base. If your eyebrows are light, tint them.
  • Select and apply shadows (pastel or other light ones). Do not use pearly shades; in the photo of makeup for brown eyes you can see how such solutions create the impression of swelling.
  • Apply the eyeliner. Black color. Line and shade the lower eyelids. It is recommended to apply pearlescent shadows along the eyebrows; they will visually open the eyes.
  • Apply black mascara to your eyelashes.

Features of makeup for brown-eyed brunettes

Girls with black or dark brown hair are very impressive due to the contrast with light skin. This look can easily be ruined if you overload it with “heavy” eye makeup.

Brunettes should focus only on the lips, or only on the eyes. The palette for brunettes is very wide. You can use bright colors.

Berry colors and the “cyclamen” tone look bold and trendy. For brunettes with brown-green eyes, it is better to use purple eyeshadow.

Photos of ideas and new makeup products for brown eyes

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