What women are silent about. What women are silent about Time for men to talk

It is believed that women are much more sociable and open than men. You will be surprised to know that they have secrets too. Every woman has a mystery that men dream of solving, but few have succeeded in this. Even though it is not that difficult to understand a woman, it is a problem for many men. Perhaps our article will help lift the veil of secrecy.

1. Take the initiative

It is very important for us. We don't like to plan and take care of everything ourselves. We want a man to take the initiative. Of course, we will never tell you this, but it would be nice if you took on the solutions to difficult problems. When men take on difficulties, it means that they are not indifferent to us, that they worry and care about us. Do this more often, and it doesn’t matter what it is about - shopping, what to cook for dinner, or where to spend your next vacation.

2. Surprise

All women are obsessed with surprises, so we all want our men to show their imagination and surprise us as often as possible. Even some unexpected pleasant little thing can lift your spirits, and a woman will feel needed and loved. Nobody is talking about expensive gifts, just take the initiative, care and love are priceless. After all, it’s not at all difficult to be attentive to your woman. When she realizes that you made an effort to make her feel happy, the reward will follow.

3. Fear of another woman

All women have a secret fear that some other woman, colleague or friend, may attract her man. The reason for this is very simple - we all want to have what we cannot have. Therefore, women are afraid that a man’s heart may be stolen by another, that she will occupy his fantasies. This is the worst thing for a woman.

4. Be sincere

Every person wants their partner to be open and honest with them. Nobody likes to be deceived and, naturally, women are no exception. We can forgive our loved one a lot, but not a lie. No matter the situation, your woman will always listen to you and try to help solve any problem, just be honest with her.

5. We notice and understand body language

Women have a sixth sense, especially when it comes to relationships with men. We always notice and analyze the smallest details of our partner's behavior, including body language. A woman always knows about her man’s sympathy for a colleague whom she has never seen. Having noticed something suspicious, we begin to worry, sometimes without even realizing the reason.

6. Time for man talk

Another secret that few men know is that almost all women agree that men should have time to spend in their male company. We understand that our husbands and boyfriends need time for themselves, that it is important for them to sometimes meet with friends, watch football together, drink beer or play video games. The main thing is that a woman does not feel deprived of attention due to the fact that her man spends most of his time with friends.

7. We want your friends to like us

No woman will admit this, but it is true. Friends are very important to men, that's why we want them to like us. In this way we try to show how much we love our partner. Another reason for this is that the sympathy of friends can influence many of his decisions, which, of course, is important for us.

8. We need freedom

If a woman says she needs freedom, it doesn't mean she doesn't want to see you. You shouldn't disappear from her life for long hours. Your wife or girlfriend may have important things to do, men just need to understand this.

9. Tell the truth

Every woman wants her man to be truthful. If your woman looks plump in a new dress, don't tell her she looks gorgeous in that outfit. A woman always knows what she looks like. Don't be afraid to tell her that she's gained a few extra pounds but is still beautiful. Show her that you love her any way. You can even invite her to play sports together. Trust me, she will appreciate your honesty.

These are just a few points. I'm sure the list could be much longer.

What are you hiding from your man?

Thanks to the famous "Quartet I" we know very well what men are talking about - mainly about women.

What women talk about, as Bulgakov’s famous hero said, is also not Newton’s binomial: fifty percent of their conversations are devoted to men, the remaining fifty are shared between children and girlfriends. But this is what women are silent about - what they will not reveal to a male representative even under torture, be it a husband, lover, girlfriend or son?

"I will never be older than 39"

The first one is honorary! – the place of women’s secrets, of course, is age. A real woman will always lie when answering this question, even if her own son asks her. The wisdom that every woman is as old as she looks, as well as the norm of etiquette that it is indecent to ask a woman about her age, were invented precisely by the weaker sex.

Each of us stops at some age, defending it like a firing line that is impossible to leave: someone celebrates their 27th birthday for several years in a row, someone, like the English actress Stella Patrick Campbell, declares with aplomb: “I will never be more than 39 years old - not one day!" And this, strange as it may sound, speaks of the normality of a woman who does not want to admit her real years - about her. No wonder the wise French say: be afraid of ladies who openly reveal their age, they are capable of anything. They are quite capable of burning the Temple of Artemis, taking the Bastille and setting fire to the Reichstag. It is not surprising that men avoid such women.

"Sultry woman a poet's dream"

Another taboo to discuss with a man is parameters, or more precisely, weight, clothing and shoe sizes. Even if the girl looks like Madame Gritsatsueva (“a sultry woman is a poet’s dream”), she would rather die than tell that she weighs 90 kilograms and is the happy owner of size 41 legs and a size XXXL figure. And it doesn’t matter that he, dear and beloved, guesses about everything, because he’s not blind, the main thing is not to confess - not for any money!

"Where is the money, Zin?"

By the way, about money. Unlike men, who tend to name the exact price of purchased items, women prefer to reduce it. Well, why does he, be it a spouse or a lover, need to know what you spent on this strip of fabric, proudly called a “cocktail dress”? And he himself will be tormented, and he will not let you live. So you have to tell a white lie: they say, the clothes are cheap, and the branded label - in case, of course, they start to look at it - is a pure fake. You'll see, everything will work out, and he won't start bawling, accusing you of extravagance and squandering, and even your better half will praise you: “Well done, thrifty!” In general, the less a man knows how much you spend on yourself, the better - a woman should have.

"Everyone who is not first is our second"

Another women's secret is lovers, and not only those that exist parallel to our main man, but also those that came before him. Of course, you can’t hide ex-husbands - they’ll give you away with the stamps in your passport, but we remain silent about lovers, like partisans under interrogation. As Irina Allegrova quite rightly sings, “Everyone who is not first is our second”: if it is impossible to hide the presence of predecessors, then it is better to reduce their number to a minimum, or even better - to a single number. Why we at any age, even at a very mature age, want to seem like innocent girls is a mystery of nature, but the fact remains a fact. However, you shouldn’t go too far in your reticence, otherwise the faithful will decide that no one needed you before him. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to tell him about your stormy personal life before him - subtle and unobtrusive hints are quite enough.

Alexandra Voloshina

Women love to talk a lot, but often not about what is really important for a man to know. What are women silent about and what do they want? A few women's secrets for normal relationships.

It is believed that women are much more sociable and open than men. You will be surprised to know that they have secrets too. Every woman has a mystery that men dream of solving, but few have succeeded in this. Even though it is not that difficult to understand a woman, it is a problem for many men. Perhaps our article will help lift the veil of secrecy.

1. Take the initiative

It is very important for us. We don't like to plan and take care of everything ourselves. We want a man to take the initiative. Of course, we will never tell you this, but it would be nice if you took on the solutions to difficult problems. When men take on difficulties, it means that they are not indifferent to us, that they worry and care about us. Do this more often, and it doesn’t matter what it is about - shopping, what to cook for dinner, or where to spend your next vacation.

2. Surprise

All women are obsessed with surprises, so we all want our men to show their imagination and surprise us as often as possible. Even some unexpected pleasant little thing can lift your spirits, and a woman will feel needed and loved. Nobody is talking about expensive gifts, just take the initiative, care and love are priceless. After all, it’s not at all difficult to be attentive to your woman. When she realizes that you made an effort to make her feel happy, the reward will follow.

3. Fear of another woman

All women have a secret fear that some other woman, colleague or friend, may attract her man. The reason for this is very simple - we all want to have what we cannot have. Therefore, women are afraid that a man’s heart may be stolen by another, that she will occupy his fantasies. This is the worst thing for a woman.

4. Be sincere

Every person wants their partner to be open and honest with them. Nobody likes to be deceived and, naturally, women are no exception. We can forgive our loved one a lot, but not a lie. No matter the situation, your woman will always listen to you and try to help solve any problem, just be honest with her.

5. We notice and understand body language

Women have a sixth sense, especially when it comes to relationships with men. We always notice and analyze the smallest details of our partner's behavior, including body language. A woman always knows about her man’s sympathy for a colleague whom she has never seen. Having noticed something suspicious, we begin to worry, sometimes without even realizing the reason.

6. Time for man talk

Another secret that few men know is that almost all women agree that men should have time to spend in their male company. We understand that our husbands and boyfriends need time for themselves, that it is important for them to sometimes meet with friends, watch football together, drink beer or play video games. The main thing is that a woman does not feel deprived of attention due to the fact that her man spends most of his time with friends.

7. We want your friends to like us

No woman will admit this, but it is true. Friends are very important to men, that's why we want them to like us. In this way we try to show how much we love our partner. Another reason for this is that the sympathy of friends can influence many of his decisions, which, of course, is important for us.

8. We need freedom

If a woman says she needs freedom, it doesn't mean she doesn't want to see you. You shouldn't disappear from her life for long hours. Your wife or girlfriend may have important things to do, men just need to understand this.

9. Tell the truth

Every woman wants her man to be truthful. If your woman looks plump in a new dress, don't tell her she looks gorgeous in that outfit. A woman always knows what she looks like. Don't be afraid to tell her that she's gained a few extra pounds but is still beautiful. Show her that you love her any way. You can even invite her to play sports together. Trust me, she will appreciate your honesty.

These are just a few points. I'm sure the list could be much longer.

It is generally accepted that women are much more talkative than men, but are all the thoughts flying through women’s heads put into words? What topics do the fair sex not discuss at all? What are women silent about?

According to men, women are least willing to talk about the lack of orgasm, their sexual fantasies and abortions. Men also believe that women are not ready to discuss their age, but weight and ex-lovers are more taboo topics. Among men’s “own” responses are women’s complexes and domestic violence.

The women themselves admit that they prefer to remain silent about their weight, lack of orgasm and abortion. They are ready to discuss their exes with nothing more than the modest salary of their chosen one. There are also many who do not share their beauty secrets and culinary tricks. That's why they are, apparently, secrets.

Among the women’s “own” answers were female complexes, illnesses, shortcomings and weaknesses, lack of sex and loneliness, inequality and dependence. Someone called the modest size of their chosen one’s swimming trunks a taboo topic; someone - bisexual orientation. There was also a girl who believed that representatives of the fair sex prefer to remain silent about their desires. It seems to us that women use the word “I want” more often than children and explain to men in some detail where to get this “I want” and how much the family budget will suffer from this “I want.” :)

The sum of percentages in questions with multiple choice options exceeds 100%, because The number of percentages is calculated using the formula: (number of choices of a specific answer option / total number of answers * 100).

It is interesting that in an age of sexual depravity and permissiveness, women are not ready to raise the topic of sex with their men. Girls are not shy about talking about sex in the company of friends and allow themselves to make dirty jokes, but they do not discuss their sexual problems and desires with the men with whom they share their bed. Openness to you in relationships, dear readers. :)

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The period of falling in love is one of the most beautiful periods in a relationship. Here, when there is still no certainty, feelings are at their height, and everyone comes up with what they want. Everyone is trying to show themselves in all their glory, and here you can go too far. It looks something like this: “Look what I can do!”, and so it began: playing drums, juggling oranges, generally singing and dancing. The question arises, who needs this? Do you want to assert yourself? Or instill in your partner a feeling of lack of self-confidence. The brain shuts down and cacophonous behavior begins. From the outside, the lovers look like Brownian motion. That's why I prefer to stay away from couples in love. And one question becomes acute: does your partner experience the same feelings or not?

Men, a woman in love thinks about you 24 hours a day.

So, the beginning of hostilities, men, I beg you, to be more precise, we women will paraphrase all your half-hints as we need. And this means we take all your words, glances, jokes personally, and look for some special meaning in this, even a small trifle, which we would not pay attention to in life, in a state of love turns into a large-scale action.

You know, like in the old movie Cinderella:

"The prince looked at me - twice,
smiled - once,
said “come on in, come on in, it’s blowing here” - once,
stepped on my foot - once."

This is the standard thinking of 90% of women in love.

How to understand whether a man likes you or not? Honestly? No way. Unless he shows increased attention to you. Women, cute, increased attention, this does not mean that he said hello to you in the corridor. Don't confuse increased attention with basic politeness
Women, I urge you, words have no meaning, look at the actions of a man, although of course words differ. Actions that should not be assessed as signs of falling in love: 1) You fall down the stairs, and he caught you in flight; 2) You are pulling a table along the corridor, and he decided to help you; 3) Shared an umbrella with you; 4) Opened the door for you.
Girls are normal male actions.

When you like a person, you want to touch him, but sometimes you like him so much that you are afraid to touch him. Everything here is so confusing, there is so much material I have studied about this, in practice it can help only in a very standard case. Body language is also not entirely effective; most men automatically react to the appearance of a woman, whether they like it or not, it doesn’t matter. Microfacial expressions can, of course, help, but here you need at least a little experience. For example, passion and contempt look about the same.
I can give you a couple of tips: if the interlocutor touches your earlobe, it means that the topic of the conversation is not interesting to him, if the face is a little distorted, one of the subconscious ways to hide real emotions, if the conversation is interesting - a slight tilt of the head to the left, a slight squint, indicates embarrassment.
In fact, in order to get to know a person, you need to ask him groups of associative questions in order to study his basic reactions, and they are individual. Well, why not run after a person with a notepad?

Although months of training and any emotions can be hidden. I only have 30% vision, I can only see at arm’s length, but I’ve learned not to squint my eyes. I can also portray any emotion, and I know how to confuse even a knowledgeable interlocutor. I don’t even do this on purpose.)))

Men, here you are, does a woman like you? Here the devil himself will break his leg. Looking at you, you can at least understand when you don’t like a lady. Things are even worse here. We can avoid, and then show excessive activity, then avoid again, then somehow make it clear that we are not indifferent to you, and then avoid altogether. Sometimes, a person you really like comes close, you realize that your hands don’t obey, there’s a noise in your ears, you feel it in your spinal cord - blonde. And if they pull away from you, it doesn’t always mean that they don’t like you. This may mean that you like him too much. For example, I warn everyone right away, either a lover or a cat, otherwise don’t touch me with your hands. People with poor vision have very developed sensuality, do not play with fire.

The only thing I understood is that people who breathe evenly towards each other treat everything more simply, they have natural behavior.
I know from my own experience that if someone confesses their open sympathy to you, then this is not just sympathy, and this step is actually very difficult to take. And this can be considered an action. I treat such people very carefully, but I clearly dot the i's so that the person does not have any illusions.

And most importantly, don’t invent anything for yourself, ask directly. Some people give false information in order to hide the real thing. Imagine the situation, the end of the working day, those who are needed are standing on the porch, those who are brilliant at distributing information, and I know that it will fall into the right ears. A car pulls up with a Mercedes thong badge, from which a voice says “disperse,” or something similar, I don’t remember. A man in a white suit comes out, kisses me on the cheek, and opens the door for me. We sit down and leave. I didn’t tell anyone that it was my brother. And I have many brothers.

Therefore, not everything is what it seems. And you can’t believe in rumors at all; when they tell me something about someone, the first question is in my head. For what purpose are they doing this? Secondly, people are bored, don’t have their own lives? And most importantly, I am not interested in the lives of strangers, they can even put panties on their heads and walk around, if it doesn’t bother me, and these are not my favorite panties, then it doesn’t bother me.

So, to summarize, if there is sympathy, then: a person is looking for a meeting with you, makes tactile contact, his behavior becomes illogical, and he is interested in how you live. And most importantly, trust your heart, although it also lies from time to time.

So, you have decided.
Who should take the first step initiative? In my opinion, a man, but this is just my opinion, because in my case any initiative is punishable.
The first step, how to do it? In our time of information technology, it’s as easy as shelling pears, there is email, social networks, mobile phones, what you can’t voice, you can write.
In the end, no one canceled random meetings. Oh, I was passing by here, give me some water to drink, otherwise I’m so hungry that I have nowhere to sleep.
In order to get closer to the object of my passion (he worked for us as a system administrator), I studied computers in order to break them efficiently, creating a reason to meet again.

One of the ways not to approach a man.
We take a condom and approach the man with a question: “Could you show me how to use it correctly?” Men are frightened by overly frank confession.
But in fact, a joke helps a lot, for example: - Remember, you said that I am Batman, what did you mean?

Love Formula
“You won’t achieve happiness in love with tricks and magnetism!
- Then tell me how to achieve it?
- Don't know.
“If I knew, I would be happy myself.”

I know that you can discourage a person, ask a question that he doesn’t expect and that’s it, and take it while it’s lukewarm. This will probably work out more with women, because emotions come first and only then the brain. For example:
“Is it true what they say that you slept with the whole village?” and before she came to her senses,
- Shall we go and have some coffee?
Humor has always helped me; it comes on in stressful situations. After the first intimacy, I was very shy, and I didn’t know how to behave correctly and what to talk about. This joke saved me:
- Do you know that if you turn a rubber woman inside out, you will get a man with his tongue hanging out, that man laughed so hard that it was laughable. And I immediately reacted:
- Dear, now decide, who are you in bed with now, me or Petrosyan?

I recommend taking the object of passion to neutral territory, or to territory where you feel comfortable, for what? Each of us wears masks, at work I am alone, in the company of another, at home a third, and this is the observation of strangers. Neutral territory will help you get to know the person better.

I know one thing, that if a man is interested in you, he will do anything to the end. One of my gentlemen, in his youth, started a showdown with all my friends and girlfriends who, in his opinion, prevented us from meeting. Although on my part it was a firm no. Another, when I refused to communicate with him, knowing only my name, found my address, and when I came home, I was shocked, to put it mildly, he was sitting and drinking tea with my mother.

Yes, of course, there are also pickup techniques, further and closer, ignoring, inciting jealousy, but I don’t really like these games.
And yet, all my relationships in which the initiative came from a man were more interesting and better than those in which the initiative belonged to me, and when they ended, we were able to maintain friendly relations.

So, some of you plucked up courage and still took the first step.

Men remember, you have washed, shaved and are handsome, and the woman is getting ready for a date, for at least a few hours. And when you say:
-You know, we won’t be able to meet today, I suggest you leave the country right away. The sooner you report this, the better it will be for everyone.

How a woman prepares for a date.
Approximate equipment, like that of an inquisitor: tweezers, blade, hydrogen peroxide, epilator, files, scissors, tweezers, wax strips, cotton swabs, a kettle of boiling water, a basin of water. This entire instrument is laid out on a terry towel, the first impression is that you have found a surgeon.
And this is just the beginning, we are trying to remove all excess hair from the body, sometimes this is a lot of blood, because at this time the phone rings. And we put the phone so that it is out of reach, so, with cotton swabs between the toes of one foot and a wet second, we run through the entire apartment.
Choosing clothes to be sexy and comfortable at the same time. Moreover, within a few hours the combination of clothes will change. Preparing for a first date is equivalent to the First World War.
And if I was invited to the river bank for a barbecue in heels and tights with full makeup, not only do I at least feel uncomfortable, but also like a Christmas tree in the summer. In this situation, you have little hope. Therefore, discuss the place in advance.
Each of us is afraid of change and responsibility, personal relationships change a lot, for example, if in ordinary life I could ask for a favor, then after any changes, I think a hundred times before asking, what if the person thinks that I’m with him for it. And it’s also very scary to depend on anyone.
First intimacy, each of us knows our shortcomings and considers them significant, everyone has their own complexes, there is no need to get hung up on them. If a person cares about you, he simply doesn’t notice them.

And by the way, you don’t need to ask such questions, can I kiss you, can I get to know you. Take it and kiss it, and then it depends on the situation.

In general, loving is such a happiness that not everyone is given. There are so few people in this world who love us, take care of them. And even unrequited love is beautiful, when I go to bed in the evening, I close my eyes and see my ideal date.

gastroguru 2017