Script about love in Ukrainian. Scripts in Ukrainian. Putin confessed his love for Ukraine

Performance of 3 “B” class at the Festival of Friendship of Peoples.

The song sounds " My Land” performed by Sofia Rotaru, a video about Ukraine is shown.

Children appear on stage against the backdrop of a songin Ukrainian national costumes(third row high, second row lower, first row leading and two readers withpunish on a towel).

Arina: Matvey:

Good afternoon to you, good people! We cower you

We kindly ask you, gentlemen. And we wish you good health.

For your sake we have vitata, Pid vesely ready spiv

Happy and good fellows. We're sending you a message.

IN riding: We are watching you, dear friends!Arina: We welcome you, dear friends!Presenter: We are talking about the Ukrainian people, their traditions and culture.

Matvey: We will tell you about the Ukrainian people, their traditions and culture.Presenter:

The pines looked into the mirror of the waters.
The surface of the pond is clean and bright.
How the mountain ash girls began to blush.
And the willow is sad at the dam.

They float so decorously in the skies
Clouds of white-maned herds.
My Ukraine, Ukraine,
Joy, sadness and love forever.

1.Ukraine -this is a coat of arms, a flag, an anthem, a viburnum, a towel, a wreath, a national costume, a Ukrainian folk song...Arina Shevchenko

2. It is traditionally believed that the blue and yellow stripes on the national flag of Ukraine mean a cloudless sky and yellow wheat in the field.Dasha M

3. It is known that the coat of arms depicts the trident of Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus'. It means three elements - sky, earth, water... The coat of arms is a talisman. He is the key to happiness, prosperity and prosperity of the nation.Leva

4. Ukraine is considered the largest country whose territory is entirely located in Europe. The capital of Ukraine is the city of Kyiv.Alyosha

1.Ukraine is a multinational state. Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Moldovans, Crimean Tatars, Bulgarians, Hungarians, Romanians, Poles, Jews, Greeks, Armenians, Gypsies, and Azerbaijanis live on its territory.Arina Sh

2. CUkraine's neighbors are Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Moldova.Dasha M

3.The largest river in Ukraine is the Dnieper, and the second largest river is the Southern Bug.Leva

4.In the southwest of the country there are mountains - the Ukrainian Carpathians. The highest point of the country, Mount Goverla, is also located here.Alyosha

Leading: Every nation, every people has its own traditions and its own national costume.Traditional Ukrainian national costume is made up of bright, beautiful embroideries, flowers and ribbons.

1. Ukrainian shoes - both men's and women's, was made of leather, which was not sewn, but folded, wrinkled, and tied to the legs with a long rope. Hence the name - wrinkles, posts, walkers.Vova

2. The basis of the masculine national costume - shirt.Pants (harem pants, trousers).Men's hats: bril and kuchma.Rinat

3.Female foundation suit - long shirt (embroidered shirt, shirt). Skirt (poneva): spare tire, derga (for every day) and plakhta (for holidays). A wreath is the headdress of an unmarried girl.Dasha P

Presenter: Did you know that the Ukrainian wreath is one of the special amulets. It was believed that the wreaths had some kind of magical power that could protect against any misfortune.

The song sounds " I’ll braid a wreath, I’ll braid a seam…” 6 girls come out.

1.At Ukrainian wine shopsKatya L

2. We'll pay it off now.Nastya

3. Vinochek is not just beauty,Marina

4.Yomu pidvladni y nebesa.Sofia

5..We don’t know about this,Karina

6. Vin - oberig to the people and the clan.Katya X

1. Girls, let’s weave a wreath.Katya L

Everyone: come on.

2. I'm wearing my wreathI'll weave in chamomile. Shebrings health, kindness and tenderness.Nastya

3. And I’m viburnum bunches -it is a symbol of flexibility and intelligence.Marina

4. And I'm girls,weaving lovage- a symbol of devotion and health.Sofia

5. And I will weave periwinkle - a symbol of eternal life.Karina

6. Oh, girls, let me have peace in the housemarigoldweave.Katya X

1.Oh, I’m stillweavemallow- a symbol of faith, hope and love.Katya L

Oh, girls, let's throw wreaths into the river and recognize our betrothed.Sofia

Everyone: come on

Presenter: On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, when, according to legend, the fern blooms, the girls threw wreaths into the river; whichever of the boys gets the wreath will be the betrothed. The young men put wreaths on the girls' heads and invited them to jump over the fire. (jumping over a fire to fun music ).

Presenter: Well, what would a holiday be without fiery Ukrainian dances?

Without a happy danceAdeline K

The holiday is not bright.

Ukrainian dance

We will dance for you as a gift.(Ukrainian dance performed by a girl)

Presenter: and the children had other entertainment during the holidays; they took part in fun outdoor games. Here's one of themVovk and kids (wolf and kids) we'll play now.

Description . A large circle is drawn on the site, and small circles around it - “houses”. According to the counting rhyme, a “wolf” is chosen. Let's figure out who will be the wolf and who will be the kids.

One, two, three, chotiri, five!Viishov goat for a walk.How should we bother, what should we do?

The goat needs to be angry.Let us rejoice again:One, two, three, chotiri, five.Now you're off to joke!

The wolf stands between the large circle and the houses. The kids are in a large circle. When the wolf counts to three, they run out of the circle to occupy the houses. The wolf does not kill them at this time. One of the kids doesn't get a house. He runs away from the wolf, who is trying to grease him. If you lose your temper, they change roles; if you don’t win, you will remain a wolf, and the game starts all over again. Well, what shall we play?Yes!

The wolf says the words: “One, two, three, little goats, run!”, and the game begins.

Presenter: After such entertainment, fun, and outdoor games, you really want to eat, don’t you? What’s delicious in Ukrainian cuisine?

1. The most common Ukrainian dishes are borscht and dumplings. For dumplings, vegetables, berries, meat, and cottage cheese are used as filling. And all this is poured generously with sour cream.Kolya

2. Lard is very popular among Ukrainians: salted or smoked, and in the form of cracklings, which are eaten with bread, potatoes or added to the filling of pies.Katya P

3.We have prepared unusual dumplings for you - fortune-telling ones. After the holiday, each of you will be able to find out what awaits him this year. Looking inside the dumpling, you will find a picture of the filling, and it will tell you about your expectations.Adela G

Presenter: Chanters, friends! We wish you warmth, kindness, happiness, love! Be healthy! Live richly!

All children stand in two semicircles (as at the very beginning)

1.We told you about Ukraine

About our dear Fatherland.

We love its open spaces, mountains and forests

Lakes, rivers and fields!Misha

2.How happily we lived in it:

And Ukrainian, Russian and Jew.

When in the spring Polonina

Getting ready to one homeland:

And a Hungarian, a Ukrainian and a Pole.Leva

3. How painful it is for us to watch you,

When there is now a fierce battle.

How they tear you apart

How blood flows and where is misfortune

Knocks on every house.Dasha U

4.People! Stop this fight

So that you and I live together:

Jew, Pole and Moldavian,

Ukrainian, Hungarian and Russian.Nikita Sh

5. Let's value friendship!

To restore peace in the country,

So that all the children are happy

On Fatherland and on the entire Planet!Zhenya

6. My stranger friend, remember one thing:

There is no other home, the globe is our home!

A house where there are neighbors, foe or friend,

The house has a porch to the north, windows to the south...

You and I live on the same planet.Matvey

We are the children of the planet,

The globe is our home! Together

Everyone sings the song “And we wish you good things.”


One land, one nadia

And one little son for all of us.

Here the ears are sizzling with warmth,

There's no one there.

And the spring will be upon us

To give Nadia to people,

And we will live in retinue,

And sleep about good writing.


And we wish you well,

And we wish you warmth,

Love tomorrow and today.

And we wish you well,

Well, why the garden, the soul blossomed,

The dawns fell into the valleys.


If bida stretch out your hands,

Sorrows and pity will come,

Guess the crisis of loss, separation,

What is slaughter on earth?

And the spring will be upon us

To give Nadia to people,

And we will live in retinue,

And sleep about good writing.


And we wish you well,

And we wish you warmth,

Love tomorrow and today.

And we wish you well,

Well, why the garden, the soul blossomed,

The dawns fell into the valleys.


(The husband and wife are sitting at the table, he is reading the newspaper, she is bored)

Paraska: Vasily, do you remember how young I was?

Vasil: Bula - bula!

Paraska: A beautiful yaka bula?

Vasil: Bula - bula!

Paraska: And what songs did you sing to me! Do you remember?

Vasil: Spivav - spivav!

Paraska: And the yaks gave the name of Khustka! Do you remember?

Vasil: Giving, giving!

Paraska: Ah...

Vasil: From what Zhinka said! Well, why are you so attached to me? Have you cooked it yet?

Paraska: Made it!

Vasil: Did you indignate on thinness?

Paraska: I was indignant!

Vasil: Did you put it away in the hat?

Paraska: Removed it!

Vasil: So go, but he wants to go to Kumi, have fun, tell Kumi his kindness to me...

(knock, Kum enters)

Vasil: And the axis of wine came before us!

Kum: Great in your hat!

Vasil: We ask guests to hati, please sidati!


Paraska: Ah...

Vasil: Go, go and go to the kumi!

(Paraska leaves)

Vasil: Well, godfather, how is life, what’s new?

Godfather: Well, the hunting season for the jock is looking crooked, you need to get ready and get out!

Vasil: Where should I go?

Godfather: Bilya, Kyiv, on the lakes, how are they, well, how gloomy! Believe it or not

wheeze, well, like duckweeds! It’s easy to push one another. Yesterday

a well-known young lady came to see her, and she said that her mother-in-law’s godfather said that

The godfather's woman chula od matchmaker, so she herself drank, like hemp soaked, so she was dumb

poke through that hemp plant! Let's go, huh?!

Vasil: Let's go! Only in me have some worries!

Godfather: And you have a lot of troubles! That's where I get 24 pumps from one in the past rik

beat. Five battles - one hundred and twenty pieces. It’s crazy, please respect it.

Important bird: you won’t be able to carry more than a hundred and twenty pieces!

Vasil: Why the hell did Kyiv... Hiba swim on dry pitches?

Godfather: Yak "on dry ground"?!

Vasil: That’s where the lakes hung! That there for the spring and for the lito no one to find i

I didn’t feel it, but at least one of them started cackling. Early spring arrived, bloomed, there

Having formed a small herd, the little ones circled and headed for Nosivka! Chuli about Nosivka?!

Kum: Well, dude.

Vasil: So there the jocks were still climbing for this Livoberezh region. spontaneously

bad luck: the dormouse has knocked everything down. And on the bows there was no grass growing through the nests: nest on nest, the grass didn’t grow, the kolgospniks don’t know,

Let's take a look at the thinness. No, if you already go, then only to Nosivka!

Godfather: Ty! For toads?!

Vasil: What kind of toads?

Godfather: Those in Nosivtsi are the frogs themselves! If you're already going to go with the jocks, then

Tilki on Yagotin. From there the pitching...

Vasil: I know an old man who drank wine when he was young, not drinking, but coming home for the races.

Godfather: How can that be?

Vasil: Yes! Otam na plesi zavzhdi jocks! From, it seems, I’ll spill it into the island

I'm about to get excited. I know what both of them say in language from myslivtsiv tudi

come sitting jock beaty. If it’s like this: bachu - sneaking, sneaking...

B-bang! And I’ll suddenly shout, “Rotate!” Well, vin immediately drapaka, bo,

I think, killing or injuring someone! And I’m just relaxing, I’m looking for exercises

to home...

Kum: Well, d i d...

( c there's a knock on the door, Gritsko and Mikola come in, Gritsko has a pumpkin in his hands, a bunch of bagels around his neck).

Mikola: Let them go!

Godfather: We’re not allowed into the house, because you’re richer than you!

Gritsko: Damn that girl Ulyana, I wanted to treat her this way and that, and with a bagel, but she’s still screaming and staring. I thought that I had already talked to her about the spring cloth, and there was watermelon.

Mikola: It’s okay, don’t worry, Gritsko, maybe this day I’ll love Garbuzova porridge a lot.

Gritsko: I can’t do it, but my dad will beat me! Who should you take me to woo now? I'm already completely exhausted.

Chi I, tattoo, not done, Chi I, tattoo, peres,

Why is the house not cut down, Why not love girls?

Vasil: Come in, bidolahi, to the hat! What, did you take off the watermelon, Gritsko?

Gritsko: Well, tell me, kind people, why am I not a groom? Maybe it’s not so hot, it’s robotic. Even if I take it up, I won’t be able to pull it back. I can sleep until lunchtime, but what else?

I love to eat! Having dined until the very evening, having dined until the very end.

Viberesh me - you don’t know grief.

Mikola: You don’t want it, you’re robotic, but you want something rich. I'm a good lad! Bagatiy. I have two triggers. One, however, is blind in one eye, but we don’t need a friend to rush. Hello, here you go, be kind. I wash the earth, apparently and invisibly. No matter how much you marvel and wonder, you won’t care. How thin! And beetles, and flies, and even mosquitoes - the world cannot see them!

Vasil: Far from nonsense...

Godfather: Girl, perhaps, I want something robotic, intelligent and garish!

Mikola: And mom seems to me that I’m as smart as a month, and as smart as five clerks combined. I would rather have a woman like me. Otherwise, if I take a handful, people will laugh. Don’t be surprised that I’m so cold, just comb my hair, and you can end up being miserable! And I’m ready to kiss now!

Vasil: Get out of here, woeful suitors, otherwise I’ll kill you and I’ll go through the widow’s back!

(Gritsko and Mikola leave)

Vasil: Let’s go, Kume, I’ll show you my hog - it won’t be long before we show him off, but the wine is already so kind, he wants to get some cold meat right away!

(They also leave, Paraska and her godfather appear)

Paraska: (knocks) Good afternoon to your hati!

Kuma: Ooh, great, kumonko, come in, come in!

Paraska: Well, how are you here, my love, how are you?

Kuma: Everything is fine, thank God! What about Viyak?

Paraska: It’s so garazd, but with her susidka Khvenka she got cooked back!

Kuma: Why can’t you live peacefully without her?

Paraska: Well, she let her geese into my city, and that stench drank all the geese in me! Well, how about otse vitrimati?

Kuma: Comedy and with this Khvenkoyu! Kumonko, why don’t you look like that?

Paraska: This is my new perfume, it’s called “The Smell of a Milkmaid”, I ordered it from a catalog on the Internet! Exclusive!

Kuma: Where did you find the Internet in our village?

Paraska: Yak de – to the Silsky library!

Kuma: You might as well stop going to that library, because the last time was in the past, and I haven’t picked up a book since then!

Paraska: And I have all the information right here!

Kuma: Oh, what a garne mirror!

Paraska: No, it’s not a mirror, it’s a disk, an electronic carrier of information!

Kuma: Apchi!

Paraska: Don’t go too close, otherwise you’ll spread viruses! I have all the Ukrainian writers in me!

Kuma: The axis has arrived!

Paraska: So, kumonko, write down my email: double yu, double yu, double yu, Paraska, dog, dot whoa!

Kuma: Aren’t you going to think that I’m calling you a dog?

Paraska: That's it! This is how email addresses are recorded on the Internet.

Reveal sobi that now you can find your groom there too!

Kuma: Demand your susidki Khvelki tse pidskazati, bo vona bidna niyak ne mozhe sobi pair vidshukati!

Paraska: Well then!

(Ulyana enters)

Ulyana: (sad) Good afternoon!

Kuma: Why are you so crazy, donyu?

Ulyana: (sighs) Garbuza stuck Gritska in... But I’m so busy with my life! And I wore a zirka from the sky for a new distance, I wore it in my arms, but I’m still a little girl, I don’t know why I should be shy! I’ve already tortured such a bad guy... And I don’t know who has such a character in me...

Paraska: From whom? In your matusya - you saw a lot of blood from your tattoo, until you got married for someone else!

Kuma: Don’t tell me, kumonko! I tormented my poor Khoma! I wish, my dear, that my son-in-law would be like your Tato - that he would love you, help you in everything, listen to you, well, like my Khoma!

(dreaming, a song about his son-in-law sounds)

Ulyana: I wanted a towel, but I don’t like the decorative pattern!

Paraska: And pidemo, little dear, before me, I’ll give Toby - I pumped up the Sobi on the Internet!

Kuma: And where is it?

Paraska: There’s only a little bit of us and you there, kumonko, and so, whatever you want, eh!

Kuma: Well, go, donya, take a walk, develop a little(They leave. Men appear)

Kum: So, godfather, important hog, don’t forget to shout at us for the jellied meat!

Vasil: What would we do without you!

Godfather: And from me there was a story of the past fate -

"A story about a pig and bread."

Having bought, I, godfather, have lost the pig - the stubble is already dibo!

Having become a year old, we bought bread.

Got fat, got smart, pig stuck up

And you, godfather, feel me, as if she said:

Vi meni tsim khlib lard poured over the skin,

I zipped my whole figure through it!

Marvel at me, what I have become:

Move your legs, or move your legs, your waist is gone!

Take your vitamins, don’t eat flour.

I don’t want to eat bread because I want to harm someone else’s appearance!

Having said the words, she is fierce and angry,

I shot Khlibina with Corite Reel!

This history is a science, and we strive to

So they didn’t put it like a pig before the holy bread!

Vasil: Yes, godfather, yes!

(Paraska and Ulyana enter)

Paraska: Come in, girl, I’ll find out everything in a minute! Oh, we have yaki garni couples in the hati here!

(Ulyana immediately took on an arrogant look)

Vasil: (pushes Gritska in the side) But it’s really a garni, and it’s not like those little guys are staggering around the taverns!

Paraska: Axis, dear, all the patterns that are in me, choose a towel and hang a towel for health!

Ulyana: Dyakuyu!

(Vasil pushes Gritsko in the side again)

Gritsko: Can I show you some?(rises)

Ulyana: Why should you see me off, I know the way myself!(goes to the exit)

Vasil: Go, go!...

(Gritsko rides on it, calling Mikola with him)

Kum: Well, godfather, it’s time for me to get home, otherwise I’ll cook the zhinka!

(everyone leaves, husband and wife are back at the table)

Paraska: (sighs) Vasil, do you remember how young I was?

Vasil: (started to read the newspaper again, but gets up and hugs his wife) Well, bula, bula!

(a song plays, they dance, then everyone comes out.)

School graduation party


Scenario of the local part of the holy school graduation

And learn from others,
Don't fight yourselves.

Let your heart not know the pain,
Hai deceive mrii hour beg"
And your youth will be like this,
Don't let anyone get hurt!

The script is partially in Ukrainian.

(Ukrainian lyrical melody sounds, presenters exit)

The land where we were born,
We grow - we live,
Batkivshchina is gentle
I know with love.

Fox, cat and rooster (in Ukrainian)

Scenario for high school students.
Cossack "Fox, Cat and Pivnik"

The script was put together
students 11-B class
SZSH І-ІІІ stages No. 1
Shargorodsky district
Vinnytsia region
Babich Pavlo (Lisichka)
Bilous Andriy (Pivnik)
Trizna Mikola (Kitty)

Diy individuals:
Pratsivnik, also Tsar
Senior Tsarevich
Middle Tsarevich
Young Tsarevich
Clerk clerk
Named the eldest prince
Named the middle prince
Harem of a young prince (3-5 girls)
Santa Claus
Snow Queen
Baba Yaga
Well done from the audience

On the stage there is a table for the president to ask veterans and honored women.
A short confession to give Marchenko V.D.
Congratulations on the holy day from the director of the technical school Gerasimenko V.A. (presentation of certificates and deeds).
You are visiting the ensemble “Arabesques” with the composition “Merry Parasols”, the Moscow School of Mysteries.

(behind the scenes)
Spring came! Just a little more
The winter song will last
And again the yellow road of the sun
Will illuminate the green bed of grass.

Times change, and with them traditions. Have you ever heard of the girl herself wooing the guy? Let him love, let him bewitch, but to get married?! This also happened, and it was considered a great sin to kick a girl out of the hut with her elders. They treated honest girls with respect, they had the right to save the Cossack from death for guilt, they had only to say: “He will marry me - let him go” - and the life of the newly made groom was saved.

Weddings were celebrated in different ways. Even in the rituals of neighboring villages, even in small details, there was a difference. Some had a round loaf, others had a square one, some had a Christmas tree branch, others had a pine one. But everywhere it was fun, sweet and bitter.

“Good day, shanovni! Let me ask, where are you so cheerful and happy, with such garish bills? Names suggests that he came for his kohana. Friend: “Do you really live here? Didn't you have mercy? If so, then why should you go up and go into which apartment and find that girl you arrived to?” “Don’t you live here yourself? Didn't you have mercy? If so, then why should you go up and go into which apartment and find that girl you arrived to?” The adverbs confirm. Friend: “Yes! This apartment is truly robotic, kind, and beautiful. But the groom is ostentatious and garniy, and our betrothed will not compromise on anything. And you just won’t bother with her. Why should you pass through the fire, the water and the copper pipes, so that we could overflow, so that the year of the names has arrived? "So! This apartment is truly robotic, kind, and beautiful. But the groom is ostentatious and garniy, and our betrothed will not compromise on anything. And you just won’t bother with her. Why should you pass through the fire, the water and the copper pipes, so that we could overflow, so that the year of the names has arrived? The adverbs will be fine.

gastroguru 2017