Roll for the face at home. Session at home. According to the impact, they distinguish

Many girls are familiar with such a tool as rolling peeling - such mixtures well cleanse the skin of various impurities, dead cells. This method of chemical exfoliation is loved by him because of its simplicity and safety. The tool can be used at home, and the result is comparable to the effect of the procedure carried out in a beauty salon. Rolls cleanse the skin of dead cells, impurities that are not eliminated by ordinary washing of the face. This article will help you understand the pros and cons of such compositions, talk about the best of them.

We offer you to find out what peeling is. This is a cosmetic product that dissolves dead skin cells, removing them, giving the face a fresh, healthy look. Such mixtures do not injure, but only gently clean the surface. They are highly effective, famous for their rejuvenating effect. These exfoliants are applied to both the face and other parts of the body.

Interesting! This cosmetic product was presented to the world by Asian countries.

Skatka peelings affect only the keratinized layer of the skin. They are classified as superficial, non-traumatic cleaning products. Unlike scrubs that scrape dead skin cells from the face, these safe exfoliants do not stretch or damage the skin. The principle of operation of rolling peeling is as follows:

  1. Dissolution of non-living cells with the help of cosmetic acids (lactic, salicylic, fruit, etc.);
  2. Capture of softened cells by cellulose particles: keratinized skin with impurities rolls into small balls that are easily removed from the surface.

Important! Some ready-made formulations contain nutrients that additionally moisturize and tone the treated area.

You can start using rolling peeling (both for the face and for the whole body) from a very young age. These mixtures help keep the skin clean, healthy. The effect that can be expected with regular application of exfoliants:

  • Elimination of congestion;
  • Narrowing, cleansing of pores, removal of comedones;
  • Slight clarification, surface leveling;
  • Acceleration of recovery processes, updating;
  • Stimulation of cellular metabolism;
  • Strengthening microcirculation;
  • Rejuvenation, freshness.

Cosmetologists recommend peeling rolls even to owners of sensitive and acne-prone skin: when the application of scrubs is prohibited due to their trauma, dead cells, along with impurities, are easily removed by these exfoliants.

The sequence of actions and the rules for applying the composition are the same, regardless of the site where the procedure is carried out. We will tell you how to use peeling with a facial roll:

  • To begin with, the skin is cleansed, wiped with a towel;
  • The agent is applied in an even layer to the selected areas; the exposure time is indicated in the instructions for the exfoliant;
  • Then, for 1-2 minutes, the area is massaged with fingertips until cellulose balls are formed;
  • Balls and residues of the mixture are removed with warm water or with a soft towel;
  • After that, you can proceed to the next steps of your usual skin care.

To understand how to properly use a peeling roller for the face, you can go to a beauty salon for the first time for the procedure. Experts will tell and show all the nuances, select the appropriate tool.

Did you know? Exfoliants have a cumulative effect. That is, with each procedure performed, the result is more and more noticeable, and it is best seen after 2 months of regular use of the product.

A slight tingling sensation after applying the composition is normal. However, if it becomes unbearable, the mixture must be removed from the face immediately, otherwise you risk injuring the skin. And after the procedure, be sure to use creams with SPF, since prolonged exposure to the sun may cause burns and pigmentation.

Whatever means a woman uses, the exfoliant will harmoniously fit into the usual facial care; How often can you use peeling? It depends on the condition and needs of the skin, on the selected area. There are products suitable even for daily application.

Attention! Facial exfoliants are suitable for other areas, but body compositions should not be applied to the face. There are also universal mixtures applicable to any part of the body.

When caring for the body, they mainly use peeling rolls for the face from Korean manufacturers.

Which type of peeling to choose if you want to try this method of cleansing and renewing the skin? You can find several varieties of such funds. Let's talk more about each of them:

  1. Calcium chloride and baby soap. This method is aggressive, therefore it is recommended for owners of dense skin with enlarged pores. The result will be noticeable immediately, after the first application;
  2. The traditional exfoliant is a creamy substance. After applying to the face and massaging, white balls form. Compared with the first method, this method is safer due to the presence of moisturizing and caring components in the composition;
  3. Gel (or bubble) cleansing mixtures. When applied to the skin, they begin to actively foam. After massaging the face and washing off the composition with water, you will see the result. Such peelings have a good effect on sensitive and problematic skin, since they are the softest in terms of effect, although the effect of them is less noticeable.

When buying, pay attention to the additional impact of the product:

  • Whitening exfoliants contain lemon extract;
  • Nutrients include proteins;
  • Added to sedatives aloe vera extract;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs work by salicylic acid;
  • An important ingredient in moisturizers hyaluronic acid(due to this acid, the peeling of the roll has a rejuvenating effect, which is one of the advantages of such mixtures).

For all its merits, chemical exfoliation is not always acceptable. Check out this list:

  • First of all, a contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the mixture, an allergic reaction. Apply a peeling roll to the bend of the elbow before using the product, observe the reaction;
  • Do not use the product in the presence of scratches, open wounds, inflammation. You can not apply it for almost all skin diseases;
  • If you have very thin, sensitive skin or capillaries located close to the surface, look for an alternative method of cleaning: there is a high probability of injuring the skin and causing microbleeds during massage.

Attention! Exfoliation is not carried out on the skin around the eyes and on the lines of the mouth.

How often can you use?

Peeling roll can be used both for face and body from 1 time per month. It all depends on the type and condition of the skin, cosmetics, which you plan to use. Carefully study the instructions for the compositions, as a rule, manufacturers indicate the necessary information.

We asked cosmetologists how often you can use peeling roll for face and body. On dry skin, experts do not recommend applying it more than 1 time per month, on oily skin - more than 2 times. In other areas, exfoliation is done 1 time in 10-15 days. Although there are specially formulated formulations suitable for daily use, however, they are intended for those who suffer from excessive oily skin.

Some girls have a question: “If I periodically use a scrub, then how often can I apply a peeling roll?” Here everything is individual. If you want to combine these products, take a break between applying them for at least 2-3 days for oily skin, 4-5 for normal and 6-8 for dry. The main thing is not to overdo it with cleansing, otherwise there is a high risk of overdrying and injuring the skin.

Peeling roll recipes at home

According to many women, the best rolling peel is calcium chloride and baby soap. Exfoliation with calcium chloride is also carried out in beauty salons.

The sequence of actions during the procedure is as follows:

  1. Apply a 5% solution of calcium chloride to dry, cleansed skin. Let it soak in for 3-5 minutes;
  2. We repeat the application from 3 to 8 times (the more layers, the more aggressive the effect will be);
  3. We lather the areas treated with the solution using fingers or a cotton pad;
  4. Massage for 3 minutes. When the formed white spools turn gray, we wash our face;
  5. Apply a moisturizing mask or cream.

Attention! After the procedure, the face is not wiped with a towel, because the skin is very sensitive. If there is no time to wait for natural drying, you can lightly blot the surface with a paper towel. So you save the disturbed epidermis from unnecessary mechanical damage.

To do peeling at home, you need to know how often you can use a rolling pin. Since the composition has a strong effect, it is not recommended to apply it more than 1 time in 10-15 days.

Another common question: “I use ready-made products because calcium chloride is very irritating to the skin; how to use such a peeling roll?”

When deep exfoliation is not needed, you can limit yourself to applying only 2-3 layers of calcium chloride. However, there is an alternative way to use this homemade product, which has a milder effect: first, the face is lathered, and only then calcium chloride is applied. The rest of the steps are the same as in the first option.

Top 10 best peeling gels in the mass market

Korean facial peeling is considered one of the best. Cosmetics, which are produced in Korea, are famous for their high efficiency and natural ingredients that make up the composition. However, high-quality, worthy products are also produced in other countries. Here is a list of the best chemical exfoliation products:

Missha (Korea). As part of fruit acids, extracts of exotic fruits, the product moisturizes and restores the skin. Slight exfoliating action;

Mizon apple exfoliant. Contains hyaluronic and malic acids, suitable for thin sensitive skin. Eliminates excessive fat content, peeling, preventing overdrying; black dots become less noticeable;

The saem. The result is toning, strengthening, moisturizing, facial rejuvenation. The skin is lighter and more even, the product exfoliates keratinized particles well, although it acts very gently;

Shiseido. Excellent result when applied on the legs; makes the skin matte, soothes it. However, the resulting pellets are quite sticky and can irritate sensitive skin;

Limoni. It cleanses well, removes comedones, brightens post-acne, exfoliates, evens out the skin texture. Does not provoke irritation and is quickly washed off. According to many reviews, this is the best Korean peeling roll;

Librederm - produced in Russia. The tool is suitable even for owners of sensitive skin with rosacea. Result: renewed, hydrated, more even skin, elimination of peeling;

Tony Moly. This brand produces several similar products, but in the top of the best facial peels (10 positions) only the product in the package in the form of an apple is included. The composition helps to cleanse, close pores, even out the relief, improve complexion, eliminate post-acne and inflammation. The skin is softened, moisturized;

Tiande. A Chinese-made product, it comes with different smells, but the effect of all mixtures is the same. The exfoliant is contraindicated in couperosis and rosacea. It is difficult to achieve tangible results with its help, but the product is quite worthy.

Pro-Beauty Bio by Ciel. Thanks to salicylic and glycolic acids, it tightens pores, improves appearance and stimulates collagen production. Of the advantages - easy rolling;

Lemon Sparkling Peeling Gel by Secret Key. Exfoliation plus brightening - this product provides such a result. Lemon extract reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. The acids included in the composition deeply cleanse the skin. This remedy closes our peeling roll rating.


We figured out what roll peeling is, how this procedure is carried out, what are the contraindications to its implementation. Each girl decides for herself which remedy is best for her. After all, the most expensive product is not always effective, and budget formulations sometimes surprise with excellent quality and results. After reading reviews of different mixtures, you will find your favorite. The effect of regular use of properly selected cosmetics will not leave you indifferent.

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Greetings, my dear readers. I think you will not deny that the skin needs constant care. Only in this way will it look smooth and silky. Such care involves exfoliation of dead cells. A facial roll can help with this, and today I will talk about this tool.

In fact, this is a kind of peeling. This cleaning method is gentle on the skin. Therefore, it is suitable even for the sensitive type of epidermis. Such peeling easily removes cells from the surface of the skin. But it doesn't hurt him at all.

This cosmetic product has the following effects on the skin:

  • removes the stratum corneum;
  • opens pores and cleanses them;
  • evens out the relief of the epidermis and its tone;
  • tones skin cells;
  • smoothes wrinkles and activates regenerating processes.

Although this cosmetic product works real miracles with the skin, it is not suitable for everyone. If you decide to experience the effect of such a peeling, make sure that there are no scratches on your face. Also, the presence of wounds and pustules is not allowed. In addition, a contraindication to the use of the remedy is the individual intolerance of the components that are present in the roll. Therefore, before buying, carefully study the composition.

How to make a roll at home

I will describe the recipe, which is posted on the Internet. You need to take the following components:

  • 10% calcium chloride solution (you can buy it at a pharmacy);
  • warm water;
  • baby soap (no fragrances);
  • cotton disc.

Soap should be grated on a coarse grater and pour warm water. Moreover, the liquid should only cover the chips. Then this mixture is left for 10-12 hours at room temperature. After, it must be beaten to a homogeneous consistency. If desired, you can do with chamomile juice.

Using a cotton pad, calcium chloride is applied to the surface of the skin. The area around the eyes and mouth should be avoided. Wait about 2-3 minutes until the solution is completely dry. Then another layer of calcium chloride is applied and allowed to dry again. So the procedure is carried out several times.

Next, generously cover the face with soapy foam. As a result of the interaction of the solution with the soap mass, flakes will appear on the surface of the skin. By the way, foam is also advised to apply several layers. After the hand, you need to cover with a solution of calcium chloride and roll up the flakes. When the soap balls stop rolling, you need to wash with warm water.

Peeling with calcium chloride - benefit or harm

It turns out that the roll has been known for more than a decade. This tool was actively used in Soviet times by cosmetologists of the old school. They did it as follows: calcium chloride was added to a soap cream or soap-foam for washing. For this miracle remedy, a 10% solution of calcium chloride was used in an amount of 30 ml.

This composition was applied to the face and left for 5 minutes. Then they moistened their hands with calcium chloride and rolled up the mask with stroking movements. The movements were made along the massage lines for 4-5 minutes.

And then this method of purification with calcium chloride began to promote Victoria Bonya. He was immediately picked up and called a Hollywood peel. Here is her video where she talks about how she uses it:

I just want to draw your attention to the fact that cosmetologists did not use soap, but a special soap cream with additives. It also included organic acids and other components. Therefore, the roll had a slightly different composition - not the same as that of a modern remedy. But in Soviet times, there were no acid peels that are used today. Therefore, for lack of fish and a remedy with calcium chloride was quite a working tool.

Today, this peeling option has been somewhat simplified. And instead of soap cream, it is recommended to use the usual baby cream. According to cosmetologists, a modern version of such a peeling roll can give a good visual effect.

For the skin, the tandem of calcium chloride + soap is very harmful. This is an aggressive alkaline treatment that dehydrates the skin.

The composition creates ideal conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora on the epidermis. Because when calcium chloride interacts with an aqueous solution, an acid reaction is observed. CaCl2 + H2O = (CaOH)Cl + HCl - that is, hydrochloric acid is formed. It is she who provides deep cleansing. Soap solution neutralizes hydrochloric acid.

But did the one who came up with this recipe really not go to school, or did he skip chemistry? Calcium chloride (from ampoules) and sodium carbonate - soda present in the soap - enter into the reaction. The result is an insoluble calcium salt. It is also called calcium carbonate. This salt can easily injure the skin. Honestly, doing such a peeling is the same as cleaning your face with a metal brush for a frying pan. This is terrible and stupid!

Peeling reviews with calcium chloride

I didn’t pick up laudatory reviews about this peeling for you. They are, but then somehow subside. I watched a video of several girls who tried this remedy. For some reason, they then do not answer the main question of readers: “What is the feeling after several procedures?” Or ashamed to say that it did not fit or another reason. It's not clear 🙁

The conclusion is this: when you make a cleansing mixture yourself, there is a high risk of harming the skin.

Grandma's recipes are subsequently oh so expensive. Due to dehydration of the epidermis, wrinkles appear more intensely. Some substances in such recipes are generally incompatible, which then turns into a huge "bouquet" of skin problems.

And here are the promised reviews, carefully study them.

Lolita 27: I will never forgive myself for using this homemade peeling recipe. Ruined my skin. This mask provoked the appearance of a terrible problem. Blue-red vessels began to clearly appear on the face. A nightmare!

Nadia: If you do not feel sorry for the skin, make yourself a mask for health. I just won't use this tool for anything in my life. Strictly adhered to the recipe. I applied it - rolled it up - washed it - covered my face with a nourishing cream. The skin seems to be clean and smooth. She went to bed, and in the morning she looked in the mirror and was stunned. Extensive burn on cheeks and nose. no words (((

Lisa : This is some kind of extreme peeling! the same effect as if the face was sanded with coarse sandpaper. Painful and unpleasant. And it is still not clear what will turn out for the skin in the future

Nina : I did - itching began, my face turned red and covered with some kind of terrible red rash. So that I have never done such a peeling on my own - never in my life

Lucy : It was necessary to think of smearing the face with hydrochloric acid. So not far from the scars!

Rating of ready-made rolls for the face

My dears, over the past 30 years, cosmetology has stepped far from such home remedies. Now it makes no sense to use homemade tools. The beauty industry offers customers a wide variety of peels for salon and home use.

Tell me, what's the point of doing magic in your own kitchen if you can buy a good peeling? It was made in sterile conditions, and not in the kitchen between the sink and the stove. Purchased product tested, approved by dermatologists. If you figure out how to use it, there is less chance of developing an allergic reaction.

Well, I do not understand - why experiment with your face. This is, at the very least, stupid and irresponsible. Nobody will give you a second skin. Unless the plastic surgeon will accept you with open arms.

Picked up four options for peeling-rolls. Manufacturers of these products approached the development of recipes with responsibility. The risks associated with the use of such funds are minimized.

Peeling from Libriderm

This is a budget option, sold even in a pharmacy. The product contains lactic acid. It exfoliates dead cells, restores skin regeneration and increases its elasticity, reduces pores, etc. Chamomile extract has a regenerating, soothing and antibacterial effect. Peeling Librederm with chamomile can be used to cleanse any type of skin.

Skatka is a translucent gel. It has a pleasant aroma of sour fruits. The tool lays down easily and quickly begins to roll.

Ksenia : Already after the first use, the result is visible. The pores are cleared and the skin becomes softer. But the effect does not last long. However, for 300 rubles is normal.

Inna: I had high hopes for this gel. A friend said that this is the best roll. But it didn’t work out somehow - it doesn’t clean well.

Emily 33 : I'm not happy with this gel. Could roll better. And yes, it takes a long time to wash off. Plus, the skin becomes somehow tightened after using it. I will buy Korean products again

Peeling roll Novosvit (Novosvit)

This cleanser is based on hyaluronic acid and collagen. This duet has a beneficial effect on the skin - cleanses it, evens out the relief and restores the water-lipid balance.

The peeling has a delicate gel-like texture. There are no abrasive particles here. In addition, the product does not contain dyes, alcohol and parabens. The aroma is unobtrusive, slightly soapy.

Veronica : I'm not thrilled. the gel is too liquid - it is inconvenient to apply, everything spreads

Lina : This product does not clean at all. It only moisturizes well - the skin is at least not dry already.

Lisa : Light touches are not enough. To roll up the stratum corneum, you need to press and stretch the skin. But it's still not very useful. After washing, I did not notice any difference: what before, what after.

Mizon with apple (Korean cosmetics)

The composition of this exfoliating agent contains a whole complex of acids. There are hyaluronic and glycolic acids, as well as BHA- and AHA acids. They provide a peeling effect. However, this tool does not only exfoliate dead skin cells. It also brightens the skin, relieves redness, gives the epidermis elasticity and evens out its tone.

At this peeling has a delicate creamy texture. The aroma is light, apple.

Mila : For the first time in my life, I use a roller. The effect is super, I recommend!

Alla : After I tried this peeling, I threw away all my scrubs. This roll is something. Every girl should have it.

Nyra : And sometimes I apply this roll as a mask. I keep it for about 15 minutes - during this time it dries well. Therefore, I wet my fingertips and the mask begins to roll well))

Apieu Peeling Gel

It is a gentle cleanser that contains AHA and lactic acids. In addition, the product contains extracts of grapefruit, lemon, kiwi and other usefulness. Skatka well cleanses the skin, evens out its relief and tone. The texture is delicate.

By the way, Apieu Naked has a whole series of exfoliating gels in its arsenal. Among them is a mild agent and enhanced peeling.

Facial skin needs regular and quality cleaning, since the dead layer of cells cannot be washed off only with water and washing gel.

At the same time, improper cleansing causes skin aging, the appearance of blackheads and other not-so-pleasant defects.


A peeling roll can help to cope with high-quality cleansing. The procedure helps to even out and renew the surface of the skin due to its regeneration.

After such a mask or scrub, the skin will smooth, uniform and velvety. There are many types of peeling, but not all of them are suitable for home use.

On your own, you can make such types of rolling as chemical, physical and mechanical.

Depending on the degree of purification, it is divided into superficial, medium and deep.

At home, you can only make the first look, but it will also be a serious help to your skin.

You need to understand that the roll and the standard base are different. known as "Hollywood Purge", the roll has the following features:

  1. It is not applied for a long time - you need to keep it on your face for about 3-4 minutes.
  2. There are no side effects.
  3. Can be used from 15 years of age.

The procedure is safe: it does not provoke severe redness, irritation and other defects. There may be a slight tingling sensation, but this is normal.

The procedure helps to fight against sebaceous plugs and peeling, eliminates fine wrinkles and quality prevention all these defects.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

What is required for the procedure?

At home, you can easily do this procedure.

The ingredients are available so no big expenses.

You do not need to spend a lot of time either - the procedure will take no more than twenty minutes.

Modern manufacturers offer and already turnkey solutions for rolling for those who do not want to experiment on their own. Funds from leading brands have a similar effect.

For the procedure, you will need Ingredients:

  • a solution of calcium chloride, which you can buy at a pharmacy (or another product intended for home peeling);
  • baby soap without fragrances and dyes;
  • cotton pads or balls;
  • warm water with which you will wash;
  • instruction for rolling at home.

How to do?

How to make a face roll at home? You can buy a ready-made remedy or cook it yourself. Home peeling roll done quite simply.

You need to grate the soap on a coarse grater, add water and leave for 12 hours, then beat it into a pulp with a mixer.

You can add to the solution chamomile juice. This product perfectly cleanses the skin, tones it and gives it a beautiful uniform shade.

Take care of clean and dry skin.

Using a cotton pad, apply to the surface of the face calcium chloride solution 10% or the rolling solution you bought, avoiding the area around the lips and around the eyes.

To the solution dried up hold it for about three minutes. After that, you need to apply the solution again. It is recommended to repeat the procedure several times.

The next step is a generous application. thick soap suds. As a result of a chemical reaction, there will be soap flakes. Foam is also used several times.

When the soap balls stop rolling and the skin begins to creak wash thoroughly with warm water.

There are also another way use. It involves first applying a dense soapy foam. After the hand, you need to moisten with a solution of calcium chloride and apply it on the face.

Moisturize your hands if necessary. But don't overdo it. It is necessary to wash off the spools that appear with warm water.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the effectiveness and simplicity of the procedure, it still has certain contraindications. Maybe for someone she doesn't fit at all. Before the procedure, read the following important points:

Skin care after

After you finish the procedure, the skin will tighten and be dehydrated. You can't just leave her. Better make a moisturizer soothing or nourishing mask. You can buy ready-made or also make it yourself.

You can use the same chamomile, as well as mint, sage, calendula. Good soothing tea tree oil. You can then use your regular face cream. As we have already said, it is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed.

If you had to do it during the day, do not go outside after the procedure and do not let direct sunlight contact with skin.

If this cannot be avoided, use a sunscreen with a high SPF.

If you have no contraindications, be sure to try this procedure.

Perhaps it will become your personal lifesaver which will help you always look perfect.

Peeling - a roll for the face - a special type of skin cleansing (exfoliation) from keratinized scales and various impurities. Since facial skin care requires a systematic approach, peeling-skating allows you to solve many problems: eliminate dead dead cells, which as a result prevents clogging of pores, skin inflammation and the development of acne. In addition, peeling - roll improves complexion and gives it freshness.

Skatka is a kind of peeling that does not use abrasive particles to cleanse the skin, but soft sticky substances that roll dirt, dead cells and sebum from the pores. These sticky substances only affect dead cells, not healthy ones. But at the same time, the roll has a soft and delicate effect even on keratinized cells. This product is suitable for all skin types, even for sensitive and problematic.

Peeling - a roll was invented in South Korea, so it is an exclusively Asian product. The principle of its operation consists in two stages:

  1. Dissolution with the help of fruit acids (lactic or salicylic) of dead scales of the stratum corneum (keratinocytes).
  2. Absorption of split cells by cellulose molecules. Cellulose microparticles absorb dead cells and dirt, rolling them into small lumps.

The cosmetic product is applied to the skin and a product is rolled along the massage lines, which absorbs all the dirt and dead cells. Such a product is very easy to use and differs in the same simplicity in its composition. When all the dirt and dust rolls into balls, then mechanical cleansing of the skin of the face occurs.

Why peel?

In our body every minute there is a renewal of cells. However, not all dead scales immediately leave our body. Sometimes, in order to get rid of them, it is necessary to use mechanical methods of influence. Exactly this is the task of peeling (exfoliation) - the elimination of dead cells. If the dead scales are not removed, they clog the pores and thus prevent the sebum from coming out.

As a result, a plug is formed, which eventually becomes a black dot, and then becomes inflamed, becoming a pimple or abscess. And only regular peeling can prevent the development of the above scenario. Also, regular exfoliation can preserve youth and prevent premature aging.

Why is the roll more preferable of all peels? Firstly, this procedure can be carried out at home. Secondly, this type of peeling does not contain large abrasive particles, which often injure the delicate skin. This prevents the appearance of peeling, wounds, irritation and redness. So, without risking anything, we get a wonderful result.

Thirdly, this product is available at a price to the general population. Fourthly, the whole procedure takes about 10 minutes.

Benefits of the procedure

This procedure has many positive aspects. The main ones among them are:

  • ease of use;
  • cheapness of the means itself;
  • safety;
  • gentle and gentle effect on the skin;
  • painlessness;
  • lack of recovery period and long preparation;
  • quick positive effect;
  • no age restrictions;
  • versatility of the procedure (suitable for any skin type).

This procedure is especially suitable for those who do not have the financial means or means to visit the aesthetic clinic frequently. This is a simple and affordable procedure that gives a 100% effect.

Unlike other cleansing products (scrubs), the rolls do not contain aggressively abrasive components that injure dry, irritable and problematic skin. The tool is atraumatic, because it acts gently and delicately.

Gentle facial massage during peeling - rolling is capable of:

  • improve blood microcirculation;
  • have a draining effect;
  • activate cellular metabolism;
  • accelerate regeneration processes;
  • eliminate stagnant processes.

Indications and contraindications

In order for the effect not to take long to wait, the procedure should be carried out correctly. Also, each person needs to be aware of the likely risks that may arise as a result of the procedure. Knowing and taking into account the contraindications to the procedure, you can avoid many unpleasant moments and prevent the development of side effects.

Thus, the procedure is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • open wounds and burns on the face;
  • allergic reactions or inflammation on the face;
  • couperosis and rosacea;
  • spider veins (telangiectasias);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the remedy;
  • very dry and very loose skin.

Before exfoliation, it is necessary to conduct a test: for this, a little product is applied to the inner bend of the skin of the elbow and gently massaged the place. In the presence of individual intolerance or an allergic reaction, the skin becomes very red and itchy.

The procedure is indicated for:

  • early wrinkles and early withering of the skin;
  • the presence of mimic wrinkles;
  • poor dull complexion;
  • the presence of traces, scars and scars from acne;
  • excessive production of sebum;
  • oily sheen on the face;
  • if the skin is thin, dotted with blood vessels;
  • irritation and peeling;
  • acne, pimples and acne.

How to use peeling rolls for the face

Using these cosmetics is very simple.

In order to follow the sequence of the procedure, you must follow the following algorithm:

  1. Cleanse the skin with the usual skin care products. Wash your face and pat dry.
  2. Apply the right amount of product to the cleansed face, distribute it evenly over the face, avoiding the areas around the eyes and lips.
  3. Leave the cosmetic product on the face for 2-3 minutes.
  4. With fingertips, gently massage the skin along the massage lines for 1-2 minutes. It is necessary to act gently and delicately, without pressing hard on the skin, without stretching or injuring it. Pay special attention to the T-zone. Roll up the mask until small lumps form under the fingers.
  5. Carefully wash off all the pellets with warm water.
  6. Go to other stages of care (use a tonic, apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream).

With regular use of the product observed:

  • cleansing and tightening pores;
  • improvement of the relief of the face;
  • elimination of age spots;
  • face brightening;
  • the skin becomes fresh, soft and healthy.

You can use rolls even in the presence of pathologies of the skin (acne, rosacea, rosacea), it is so delicate and gentle.

What are peelings - rolls

These funds differ in the following parameters:

  • by skin type;
  • by impact;
  • by texture;
  • by form factor.

According to the type of skin are distinguished:

  1. Universal peels. Such cosmetic preparations are suitable for owners of all skin types.
  2. Means for problematic tone. These peels contain ingredients with aseptic properties that heal wounds and eliminate inflammation.
  3. Products for sensitive skin. These drugs have a mild and delicate effect, are atraumatic and do not dry out the epidermis. These cosmetic products are enriched with additional care components.

According to the impact, they distinguish:

  • soothing;
  • nutritional;
  • medicinal (relieving inflammation);
  • moisturizing;
  • rejuvenating;
  • brightening.

Calming agents contain extracts of medicinal herbs that soothe sensitive tone, relieve irritation and redness of the face. Tony Moly's Peeling me Aloe Soothing Peeling Gel, based on aloe vera extract, is suitable for this type.

Nutritional preparations In addition to exfoliating, they nourish and protect the skin. The composition of such funds includes additional care products. The best exfoliant in this category is Tony Moly's Magic Food Banana Peeling Cream, which contains yogurt proteins and banana extract. It reliably cleanses and nourishes the skin.

Therapeutic (relieving inflammation) drugs contain medicinal antiseptics that have some similarities with salicylic acid. These ingredients disinfect, promote cell regeneration, and treat acne. From this category, the best remedy is Etude House "Berry Aha Bright Peel Mild Gel", which includes extracts of figs, black willow, white water lily, Chinese elm root.

Moisturizing exfoliants in addition to cleansing, they moisturize with high quality, since they contain hyaluronic acid, marine fish collagen hydrolyzate, extracts of peach, acerola, lotus, aloe vera, green tea and a flower complex. The best remedy in this category is Baviphat "Peach All-in-One Peeling Gel".

Anti-aging exfoliants contain ingredients that prevent early aging and wilting of the skin. Such preparations include snake cucumber root, zhgun root, honey locust from the legume family, soy extract, ginseng, golden bean and centella asiatica. The best representative of this group is Deoproce "Whee Hyang Anti-Wrinkle Peeling Vegetal".

Lightening compositions able to improve complexion, eliminate pigmentation and gently whiten the skin. The best remedy is Secret Key "Lemon Sparkling Peeling Gel" with lemon extract.

All of the above cosmetic products are of Korean origin and have not just a one-sided cleansing effect, but have a complex effect on the skin. Exfoliating the epidermis, they nourish, moisturize, brighten, eliminate inflammation, remove irritation and redness, have regenerative properties, and activate fibroblasts. However, do not forget that peeling - rolling is still an additional care product and is effective in tandem with other beauty products.

The texture is:

  • gel composition;
  • cream composition.

It doesn't matter what the texture of the drug is, because it does not affect the effect. It's just a matter of preference here: someone likes a creamy texture more, and someone likes a gel one.

According to the form factor, there are:

  • release form in tubes;
  • in dispenser bottles.

The most acceptable form is the tube, but both the tube and the bottle come out with only as much exfoliant as needed at one time for cleansing.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you that peeling - a roll is not a magical tool that has a magical effect on the skin and makes it perfect. This is just one product from a series of complex care. After all, beauty is a matter of life, so it requires a systematic and integrated approach: nutrition, hydration, lightening, toning. And regular use of this product will help to exfoliate the epidermis in a timely manner, cleanse the pores, and lighten age spots. All this together is a significant step towards youth and beauty.

In autumn, many ladies go to a beauty salon to do peeling. This is a well-known procedure, but just in case, I will say: peeling - exfoliation of dead skin cells. There are chemical peels, there are peels with fruit acids, all very different in effect and price. And I do not want to describe in detail the salon procedures now, because I propose to abandon them. Yes, there is another way!

Expensive ingredients are not needed, a trip to the beautician is cancelled. There is no need to specially prepare the skin before this procedure. You don’t have to sit at home for 2 days and wait for the skin to finally stop peeling off. There is something better. Doing home peeling for the face!

Peeling roll

You will need

  • 3 g laundry soap
  • 1 st. l. boiling water
  • 2 ampoules of 10% calcium chloride solution
  • plastic deep bowl
  • whisk

How to make a peeling roll

For the perfect treatment

Our editor Christina Mironyuk I tried on myself the power of peeling-skating according to this recipe. We haven't seen her so excited in a long time! Here is a review from a pretty girl.

"Editorial "So simple!" is a team of real enthusiasts and researchers! Well, autumn is the time for beauty experiments. In the autumn-winter period, care for delicate facial skin requires a particularly careful approach.

But how to cleanse, nourish and moisturize the skin without spending a lot of time and money on it? You can, of course, go to a beautician, spend a lot of money on newfangled procedures and not get the desired result. Or, armed with homemade recipes, you can transform beyond recognition in no time.


“A mind-blowing peeling roll for a penny, you say? Well, let's try!" I thought and started cooking. best home peel. At least that's what they said on the web. By the way, I went through more than one fashion site in search of the best recipe. And I found it!

I will say right away that the recipe is very simple, and the ingredients are ridiculously simple and inexpensive. The only thing is the soap that I bought for the first time, considering it to be natural, did not turn out to be so, alas, and the roll did not work out.

The second time, looking at my torment, my husband advised me to take ordinary laundry soap, rich in fatty acids, which, having reacted with calcium chloride, should have that cherished exfoliating effect. And you know what? He was right! Peeling roll turned out the first time. Gentle, sticky, it acted exceptionally gently, gently eliminated dead cells and cleansed the pores.

To be honest, I did not expect an amazing result, but the peeling effect pleasantly surprised me. The skin is fresh, clean, soft and pleasant to the touch! Of course, this procedure will not erase all the flaws and imperfections, as if by magic, but it can perfectly cleanse and transform the skin. And I decided for myself that I would do a peeling roll regularly. In a word, I recommend!”

gastroguru 2017