Hair washing methods Hygienic hair wash. Wash sequence

The procedure for washing hair for the vast majority is to simply wash them with shampoo under running tap water. But not many people think that this can do harm. In the process of washing, the scales on the hairs open, the cementing component is washed out from under them, and the hair becomes defenseless against the aggressive effects of liquid and friction.

For the beauty and health of curls, it is very important to know how and how to properly wash your hair, as well as what to do before and after:

  • Preliminary preparation. Before washing your hair, you should definitely comb your hair for ten minutes with a non-rigid massage brush, then they will be less tangled. It will also remove the remnants of cosmetics, dead skin particles and improve its blood circulation.
  • Sour-milk mask before shampooing. Whey, sour milk, kefir or yogurt are suitable for her. Such a mass nourishes the hair with calcium and creates a protective fatty film that protects against damage by detergents. Moisten the curls with a fermented milk product, cover with polyethylene and a towel. Wash off after half an hour. Any masks should not be done with every wash. They are applied every other day to weakened hair that needs enhanced care (course - 8-10 times), and for prevention - once a week.
  • Oil massage. It should also be done before washing the hair, making massaging movements, while always slightly shifting the skin relative to the skull. Thus, blood circulation and oxygen supply to the skin will increase, which will positively affect the condition of the curls. Oil can be purchased at any pharmacy, for example, castor or burdock.
  • Water temperature. Washing your hair with too hot water is harmful. The secretion of fat from the sebaceous glands increases, the scales on the hairs open up and, bristling, deprive them of their shine, and the soap base of the shampoo settles on them with a gray coating. Warm water, which is felt as comfortable when you put your hand in it (+35-45 degrees), will eliminate the likelihood of such problems and the possibility of absorption of harmful substances by both hair and scalp.
  • Water quality. Regular tap water contains a lot of chlorine, as well as various oxides, magnesium, calcium salts, iron, and even carcinogenic chemicals. Because of these impurities, it becomes hard. In contact with it, the scalp ages, the hair dries up, breaks, becomes discolored, and falls out. Therefore, to wash them, as well as to prepare all kinds of masks, balms and rinses, you should use soft water purified from impurities - filtered (ideally with a special shower filter, but you can just use a household one), bottled or mineral. True, these options are very costly. The easiest way to get soft water is to add glycerin to ordinary boiled water (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), ammonia (1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water) or baking soda (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) .
  • Soaking in water. Wet your hair thoroughly before shampooing. Moisturized, they absorb less harmful chemicals.
  • Washing process. You need to wash the curls with massaging movements with the fingertips (without scratching the skin with your nails!) First from ear to ear, then go to the back of the head.
  • Rinsing after washing. Makes hair smooth, smoothing and covering the raised scales, and therefore shiny. The scalp acquires an appropriate pH. Blondes can acidify the water with the juice of half a lemon, and everyone else can acidify with ten milliliters of 6% apple cider vinegar (add to 1 liter of water).
  • Combing wet hair. This is absolutely not recommended! The fact is that when combing wet curls are greatly stretched, their structure is disturbed, the scales exfoliate. They look dull, the ends may begin to split.
  • Using a towel. Washed hair should be carefully, trying not to injure, wring out and get wet (do not rub in any case!). Then wrap your head in a towel turban and let the water soak in. But do not keep your hair wrapped up for too long, otherwise there will be a kind of greenhouse effect, and they will become greasy. Throw a used towel into the wash - even if it looks clean, enough bacteria has already accumulated on it.

Important! Hair with regular heating becomes brittle, dull and brittle, as the scales rise on them, and the inner layer loses moisture and grease. Therefore, if after washing your hair you intend to use a hair dryer, curling iron, etc., sprinkle your still damp curls with a heat-protective spray enriched with vitamins E and B5, proteins and plant extracts.

Features of washing the head with different means

The longer your hair, the more times its ends have been subjected to traumatic washing procedures. In order for regrown curls to be beautiful and healthy, they should be washed according to the rules, which depend on the type of detergent you have chosen.

How to wash your hair with shampoo

Most often, we use shampoos to wash our hair, because this is the most convenient way. It is very important to be able to choose the right remedy so that it does not cause harm. When buying a universal product or "two-in-one" (shampoo + conditioner, for example), do not expect amazing results from it in the form of a wonderful head of hair.

To achieve not only cleanliness, but also beauty, you should choose a shampoo strictly for your hair type (dry, oily, normal). Consult in a beauty salon or in the cosmetic department of the store. Perhaps you will be selected a highly specialized tool, for example, for dyed normal or long split ends.

It is worth reading carefully what is written on the package. Some shampoos contain silicone. Thanks to him, the hair is very well combed and shiny. But it blocks the access of oxygen, and after a while the curls become thinner and begin to fall out. It is not recommended to use this shampoo for a long time.

If the composition of the product contains foaming sulfates, for example, SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) or SLES (sodium laureth sulfate) and others, then in general you should think about the need to buy this particular shampoo. Yes, it will foam well, but the scalp and curls will become dry, allergies may begin, with constant contact with the eyes - cataracts.

And sulfates have the ability to accumulate in the body, causing serious diseases later. Yes, and for beauty, the benefits are doubtful, because overdried skin will begin to recover hastily, intensively releasing fat, hair will become greasy, and you will have to wash your hair more often. Organic shampoos with less aggressive surfactants lather less, but are not harmful.

When washing your hair with shampoo, the following recommendations should be observed:

  1. Shampoo quantity. To find out how much money is required for one wash, even scientific studies were carried out. For those who have a short haircut, 5 ml of shampoo (1 teaspoon) is enough, for owners of medium-length hair, about 7 ml (one and a half teaspoons) will be required, 10 ml (1 tablespoon) should be squeezed onto long curls. The right amount of air conditioner is also calculated.
  2. Application method. In no case do not squeeze the shampoo directly onto the hair, as you will not be able to control its amount and overly concentrated on a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Therefore, first lather the shampoo in your hands, and then distribute it over your head (moreover, the hair should already be wet!).
  3. Number of soaps. For those who wash their hair daily, one lathering is optimal. And those who wash it once or twice a week will have to lather their hair twice. The first lathering will wash away impurities, and the second (half the amount of shampoo) should be used for a caring effect: having collected the right amount of product in the palm of your hand, drop 1 drop of aroma oil, for example, tea tree or rosemary, into the same place.
  4. Using conditioner/balm conditioner. After thoroughly washing the curls after the shampoo, you can proceed to applying it, distributing it through the hair with a comb with very rare teeth (these will not stretch the hair and will not damage it). The greatest amount should go to the tips, at the roots such products, having weighed down the hair, will break the volume of the hairstyle.
  5. Rinsing with water. Poorly rinsed shampoo can cause irritation and allergies. Therefore, always thoroughly rinse the curls with water, and do not forget about the benefits of acidifying it (with lemon or vinegar).
There are special washing rules for afro braids and hair extensions. Afro-braids are refreshed with a spray bottle filled with warm water with a small amount of shampoo diluted in it. After sprinkling this solution on them, you should gently massage them and rinse them in the shower, then gently pat them dry with a towel.

Hair extensions are more difficult to wash. If they are synthetic, then washing them in the usual way is not recommended at all, dry shampoo should be used. Hairdryer and hot styling for such hair is also contraindicated. Natural extended strands can be washed as usual, but if at the end of the procedure you apply conditioner, then distribute it far from the keratin capsules, otherwise the latter will collapse.

How to properly wash your hair with balm

In English, this hair washing technique is called "co-washing" (conditioner only washing - "washing only with air conditioning"). It was invented by black ladies whose hair is naturally coarse and dry. And replacing the shampoo with a conditioner allows you to make them livelier, softer, more obedient, because it contains more caring substances than detergents.

The composition of the balms really makes such washing of the head possible, and it is shown not only to African women, but also to those whose curls are weakened, the scalp is very sensitive, and also to those who often dye their hair, use a hairdryer and all kinds of curling irons daily.

For those whose strands are normal, it makes no sense to switch to co-washing, moreover, it is even harmful - there is a risk of “overfeeding” the roots with nutrients, which will lead to excessive oily hair.

The balm should not contain silicone. Read the label carefully, and if there are chemicals whose names end in -ane or -cone (eg cyclopentasiloxane, dimethicone), don't buy them. Co-washing with such a product will only harm and create the effect of dirty hair.

The procedure for washing your hair with a balm is simple: first you should comb well, moisten your hair with warm water and dry it thoroughly with a towel. Then divide into strands, applying a large amount of balm to each along the entire length. Then gently massage the scalp for 15 minutes and rub the strands against each other (if necessary, you can slightly moisten them with water). After that, the balm is thoroughly washed off.

Washing the head with improvised means

A lot of people retire the usual shampoos, fearing aggressive chemistry in their composition, and choose for themselves a more difficult, but also healthier way - using folk improvised means to wash their hair. It takes more time, because such products still need to be prepared, and they are often not washed off as easily as shampoos, but they reflect remarkably on the condition of the hair.

Consider the features of washing your hair with improvised means:

  • Mustard. Oily hair can be washed with this composition: dilute mustard powder (1 tablespoon) in warm water (2 l) until completely dissolved. If you just pour mustard on your head, then you can get burned in the place of the highest concentration, and it will be very difficult to wash it off later, white flakes will remain on your hair. The mustard is removed not under running water, but by rinsing, lowering the curls into some kind of container with water, so it will all be washed off.
  • Clay. Pour a pack of clay (from a pharmacy) into a container and, after stirring well, dilute with water to the consistency of sour cream. A thicker mixture does not penetrate well to the scalp. If desired, you can add your favorite essential oil (1-2 drops) or dilute the clay not with ordinary water, but with herbal decoction. Apply to the head and hold for 5-15 minutes, then rinse with a rinse, so all particles of the product are removed. Green clay is the easiest to wash off. Curls can darken from black, so fair-haired people are recommended to use yellow or white. After washing with this shampoo, the hair may not be shiny enough. Vinegar will help dark-haired, and lemon rinsing will help fair-haired.
  • Egg. The yolk should be separated from the protein and pierced, "pouring" out of the shell (this film is very poorly washed out of the hair). Mix with honey (1 tbsp.) and, foaming the mixture in your hands, rub it into your head, hold for 10 minutes and rinse. If desired, you can also add half a teaspoon of ground coffee, then the hair will acquire volume and a slight coffee smell. After such washing, it is recommended to rinse them with nettle infusion (pour 2 tablespoons of dry grass with boiling water in a ladle and insist for half an hour).
  • Rye bread. After cutting off the crusts, pour boiling water over a couple of slices of bread, cover and let it brew. Mash the sour bread into a gruel and apply it on the head with rubbing movements. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse with water (rinse). Regular use will heal dry hair, and dandruff will disappear. This recipe can give the curls a dark tint, so it is not suitable for fair-haired people. With caution, it should be used by those whose strands are oily.
  • Flour. Suitable wholemeal flour (rye, rice, oatmeal, peas). The longer the hair, the more flour should be taken and poured directly onto the head. Distribute through the hair, massage and comb out with a thick comb. This is a very convenient way to dry wash your hair in field conditions. At home, you can rinse your hair with water. The second way: pour flour with warm water and let stand for 6-8 hours. Then apply the resulting slurry to the curls for half an hour and rinse (rinsing).
  • Soda. Take ordinary drinking soda (1 tablespoon), pour a glass of hot water and stir. Apply this solution on your head, hold for one minute and rinse your hair. The uniqueness of this recipe is that, in contact with hair grease, soda forms soap and glycerin, so the solution on the head begins to foam when rubbed. Moreover, this soap has an exclusive composition, because the fatty secretions of each are unique.
  • Soap. Grate baby soap, 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of these soap flakes with warm water (100 ml) or a strong infusion of medicinal plants suitable for you, mix until completely dissolved, add your favorite aroma oil (2 drops). Apply to hair, rub, massaging, hold for a couple of minutes and rinse.
  • Henna. Washing your hair with it is both coloring, strengthening, and getting rid of dandruff. You should take 1% kefir or whey, pour it into an enamel bowl and bring it almost to a boil. Pour henna, let it brew for 5-10 minutes. You can also drive and stir 1 yolk. Apply the mixture for 3 hours and wash off. If you do not want to dye your curls, use colorless henna. But you should not use this recipe too often, you can dry your hair.
  • Ash (lye). The whole difficulty for a modern person is getting the actual ash. This requires an oven. It should be heated with dry grass, collect the resulting ash, pour into a container (up to half) and, stirring, pour water to the top (if desired, with a decoction of medicinal plants). Hold for a day in a warm place, stirring from time to time, or boil for 3 hours on low heat. The settled clean solution (lye) should be carefully drained and used for washing (50-100 ml is enough for 1 time, depending on contamination) or washing (200-500 ml is needed per basin of water). A sediment rich in trace elements can feed indoor flowers.
  • Brewer's yeast. Pour raw yeast with kefir, heat in a water bath. You will get a jelly-like mixture, which must be applied to the hair for an hour, and then washed off.

Please note! It makes sense to alternate detergents at hand, because each of them has its own special nutrients.

How to wash your hair with decoctions of herbs

Herbal decoctions have long been considered a wonderful remedy for healing and strengthening hair. They are used both for masks, and for body wraps, and for washing different types of curls, of course, each has its own plants.

Here is a list of plants for each type of hair:

  1. Weakened hair. Decoctions of lovage, yarrow, nettle, rosemary, lavender, peppermint and lemon mint help to strengthen them.
  2. To add shine. Parsley leaves and seeds, peppermint, lemon mint, chamomile, and yarrow should be used.
  3. Greasy hair. Excess fat will be removed by dandelion leaves, oak bark, thyme, peppermint.
  4. Split and brittle hair. Burdock and fenugreek (Shambhala) will cope with such a problem.
  5. Blonde hair. Blondes are better off using plants such as chamomile, lemon balm, elderberry, medicinal marigold, linden.
  6. Dark hair. Brunettes will benefit from oak bark, black tea, rosemary, sage, birch and linden.
The easiest recipe for rinsing and wrapping: 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs pour boiling water (500 ml), cover and let it brew until cool. For better combing of hair, the decoction can be acidified with lemon juice or 6% apple cider vinegar.

And here are the recipes for washing your hair:

  • Nettle. Take 100 g of dry or fresh nettle, pour a liter of water, add half a liter of 6% apple cider vinegar and simmer for half an hour, then strain. Pour clean warm water into a large bowl, add 2-3 cups of the resulting broth there and wash your hair over this bowl, collecting water with a ladle and rinsing them. It's best to do this before bed. Then lightly dry your hair with a towel, tie a scarf and go to bed.
  • Birch. In the spring, break birch branches with leaves and buds, tie them into a broom, rinse with hot water, pour boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour and wash your hair (watering your hair over a bowl in the same way as when washing your hair with nettles).
  • coltsfoot and nettle. Take 3 tbsp. spoons of each of these plants, brew a liter of boiling water. Insist hour. Strain, add the infusion to a bowl of clean water and, pouring water from the ladle, wash your hair.
  • Soapweed officinalis. Take 30 g of soapwort root, pour 350 ml of cold water, boil for 10 minutes. When the resulting liquid has cooled, strain it, pour it into a suitable bottle and add olive oil (1 teaspoon) and any essential oil you like (15-60 drops), close the lid and shake well several times. This shampoo can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days. If your hair is oily, you should reduce the amount of oils or not use them at all. Another way: pour 200 g of medicinal soapwort with water (2 liters), boil for half an hour. After adding the resulting decoction to a bowl of warm water, wash your head over it in the manner described above. Then rinse your hair with infusion of chamomile (for blondes) or a decoction of oak bark (for brunettes).

Remember! Rinse already almost dried curls with decoctions of plants, so the effect will be better.

How often should you wash your hair

There is no single answer to this question, you should not blindly follow other people's advice, everything is very individual. Hair should be washed as it gets dirty. Not only do dirty ones look ugly and untidy, it is also harmful to health.

Curls and scalp can be severely damaged if sebum, styling products, and dust are not washed off from them in time. All this does not allow her to breathe, slows down the growth of hairs, creates a wonderful environment for the development of bacteria and inflammation. Excessive zeal is also harmful. Frequent washing without the need really spoils the hair.

  1. Dry hair. It is recommended to wash every 8-10 days, in the interval you can do healing rinsing with herbs.
  2. Greasy hair. They are washed as they get dirty - either every day (with a special shampoo for daily use), or every 2-3 days.
  3. normal hair. They are washed as they become dirty every 4-5 days.
If we wash our hair correctly, then we feel comfortable - this is what we should be guided by.

How to wash your hair correctly - look at the video:

Hair care is a daily chore. But if you make it your habit (any of which is produced in just 21 days - proven by scientists), then your curls will thank you by delighting you with a great appearance.
Beautiful hair always causes envy and admiration. But, unfortunately, some can only envy, while others from early youth to old age have amazing hair. This is what you need to strive for, despite the lack of time, natural laziness and difficult circumstances. If the hair is far from perfect - dry, split ends, brittle or, on the contrary, excessively oily, this, of course, causes a lot of trouble. Our ancestors believed that a good and healthy person's hair should grow well. Dull, falling out, sparse and brittle hair often indicate the presence of various diseases.
The beauty of hair depends on the condition of the skin, of which they are appendages. Therefore, the appearance of the hair can be judged on the condition of the skin. Normal hair is silky to the touch and shiny. Dry hair is usually dull, brittle, split at the ends. They grow weakly, quickly deteriorate from perms, chemical dyes and electric dryers. Dry hair should be protected from the sun with a hat. Greasy hair already on the second or third day after washing becomes shiny, sticky, dirty. Frequent washing of the head with hot water, unfortunately, does not reduce their fat content, since hot water, on the contrary, enhances the function of the sebaceous glands.
Hormonal changes in the body, blow-drying, coloring, perm, hard water, stress - all this negatively affects the condition of the hair. The approach to the problem should be complex and individual.
Fortunately, we all have many ways to keep the beauty of our hair for life. True, for this you will have to work hard. It turns out that for our hair it is often not enough those products that are sold in stores. With all the advantages of the modern cosmetic industry, it cannot be denied that natural remedies are much more successful in coping with the problems of hair loss, dandruff, excessive oiliness or dryness of hair. Of course, no one denies that using ready-made tools is much easier and more convenient. However, if you are willing to spend a little time and effort on maintaining (and improving) the beauty of your hair, then the result, quite possibly, will be truly fabulous.
To make a beautiful modern hairstyle is not an easy task. And the role of the hairdresser in creating a general harmony of lines, taking into account the individuality of the client, is sometimes decisive. Each person resorts to the help of a hairdresser in the hope that he, based on his knowledge and requirements of modern fashion, professional experience and personal taste, will create an elegant hairstyle. That is why the profession of a hairdresser should be chosen by people with a creative nature and a fairly developed aesthetic taste.
Performing stylish haircuts or hairstyles, coloring and highlighting hair - this is not a complete list of the provision of hairdressing services. A hairdresser, in our opinion, should be able to take care of both his own hair and the hair of his clients, be able to give them practical advice on their care, depending on the type of hair and skin diseases, so the topic of the final written examination work is “Washing, drying and massage head”, in our opinion, is relevant. When writing it, we set the following goals and objectives:
    consider the technology of washing the head and its main operations depending on the type of hair;
    describe the stages of combing and drying hair of various lengths;
    identify indications and contraindications for head massage;
    consider the technology of head massage and its types.

2.1. Purposes and methods of washing the head and hair
Having beautiful healthy hair is not only a natural desire of every person, but also a requirement of modern fashion. Hair can be thick or thin, fine or bouncy, wavy or straight. But they must be clean and well maintained. To achieve this, the correct execution of shampooing helps.
Hair washing is used in hairdressing salons for almost any service. If you do not wash your hair regularly, then the sweat and oil released are mixed with skin scales and dirt, creating a fertile ground for pathogenic bacteria, which leads to skin diseases. All types of hairdressing work, with the exception of hair coloring with dyes containing hydrogen peroxide, are performed on clean, freshly washed hair. Wet hair is more elastic, easily acquires one form or another, stretches strongly and does not break.
Shampooing has three purposes:

    hygienic - removal of pollution from the surface of the hair and skin;
    deformation - removal of traces of the previous hairstyle;
    preparatory - softening the outer scaly layer of hair.
hygiene goal washing the head - removing dust deposits, as well as fat secreted by the sebaceous glands of the head. Oily hair is difficult to process, since fat, covering the scaly layer of hair with a thin coating, closes the pores and inhibits the penetration of coloring, curling and styling products into the hair. In this case, hair degreasing can be considered not only a hygienic, but also a preparatory operation.
Wet hair is easy to stretch and take on a given shape. This is a physical property of hair. It is this property that underlies deformation target head washing. Often the hair retains traces of previous styling or a certain shape from hats, and therefore, to eliminate such defects, the hair must first be washed and combed.
preparatory goal shampooing consists in softening the scaly layer of hair when exposed to detergents, which contribute to their quick and unhindered interaction with other chemicals.
There are also three types of hair washing:
      hygienic – using regular shampoo;
      medical – with the use of medicinal preparations;
      dry - using dry shampoo, produced in aerosols, or alcohol.
Hair washing in hairdressing salons can be done in two ways - with the head tilted forward and with the head tilted back. In modern salons and hairdressing salons, the second method is more often used (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Washing with the head tilted back
When washing tilted forward no special equipment is required - the client tilts his head over the sink. The head is washed with shampoo, choosing for this purpose the most suitable for this type of hair.
When using the second method head tilted back a special sink with a notch is used. The recess in the sink makes it possible to press the client's neck tightly against it so that water or hair treatment compositions do not fall on clothing.
Most often, hygienic washing of the head is performed. As you know, water has cleansing properties. In hygienic washing, shampoo is needed only to increase the effectiveness of its impact. Shampoos contain substances that can cleanse the hair of dirt, grease and styling products. The sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands does not dissolve in water, but under the action of shampoo it turns into tiny droplets and is washed out with water.
To get a good result, it is very important to choose the right shampoo and prepare the water.
Depending on the type and amount of inorganic compounds, water is hard and soft. Soft water contains a small amount of inorganic compounds (in particular, calcium salts), so the shampoo lathers very well in it. There are many inorganic compounds in hard water, so the amount of shampoo foam decreases. Hard water can be softened by adding borax or soda to it. A favorable temperature for washing your hair is 34-39°C.
2.2. Means for washing the head and hair
Washing is one of the most important hair care procedures. In order for the hair to be healthy and shiny, it is necessary to determine the type of hair and, in accordance with this, choose the appropriate shampoo. Shampoos for damaged hair should contain substances that can improve their appearance. If your hair is oily, you need a special shampoo. The existing opinion that frequent washing increases their fat content is incorrect. Very oily hair can be washed even every day.
To keep your hair intact and give it shine, you need to be very careful in choosing a shampoo, especially if you wash your hair frequently. Too strong or incorrectly selected shampoo can damage the hair. Gentle, soft preparations, on the contrary, due to their healing properties, improve the condition of the scalp and eliminate damage to the hair structure.
It is very important to choose a shampoo with the required pH level, which characterizes the acid-base environment of the cosmetic product. The pH level can range from 1 to 14. A shampoo with a pH of 7 is considered neutral (neither alkaline nor acid) at a pH > 7 the shampoo is alkaline. The lower the pH value, the higher the acidity of the shampoo.
Most shampoos are neutral or match the pH of the skin (5.5) or hair. Such shampoos are more preferred for washing hair.
Shampoo cleanses hair and skin. The washing basis of all shampoos are surfactants that serve to cleanse the hair. In addition to surface substances, the composition of shampoos includes substances for hair care and protection, functional additives, preservatives, active therapeutic ingredients, as well as foaming agents.
By appointment, there are several types of shampoos:
      ordinary - most often require the use of other cosmetics. As a rule, these are detergents for different types of hair (dry, oily, normal);
      special - usually mild action; they can be used every day. They improve the appearance of the hair, do not irritate the scalp, as they have a neutral pH level, give the hair shine and silkiness;
      medicinal - designed for especially sensitive and damaged hair and hair with dandruff. They are injected with special medications;
      special purpose - used before and after perm or hair coloring. They neutralize the remnants of the oxidizing agent, strengthen the hair and give it strength, close the cuticle scales, and preserve the color of dyed hair.
Shampoos are divided into liquid And concentrated .
All concentrated shampoos must be diluted 1:1 with water before use.
Shampoos for normal hair should be gentle. To wash such hair, a light hygiene product that is not overloaded with nutrients, which gently cleanses the hair and does not dry the skin, is suitable.
For normal hair, uncolored and unbleached, you can use "universal" shampoos, which have an average effect.
Shampoos for fine hair contain, in addition to mild detergents, substances that strengthen the hair (keratin, protein or herbal extracts). They contribute to the formation of a light rough film on the hair, create volume and maintain the hairstyle. Proteins and some urea compounds strengthen the hair shaft, making it more rigid. Accordingly, shampoos containing proteins and giving volume to the hair are suitable for thin hair. Thanks to these substances, the hair does not stick together so quickly.
Shampoos for oily hair . Oily hair is washed with acidic shampoos containing, for example, cedar oil.
Detergents for oily hair contain a minimum of nutrients, there are no fat additives at all. Moreover, antimicrobial and tannins are often introduced into such shampoos, giving the hair a “combing” roughness. They are introduced into the composition of the shampoo to normalize the secretion of fat and prevent the hair from sticking together after washing.
Shampoos for dry and split ends . For dry hair, there are special shampoos, they are usually high in fat additives and moisturizers.
These preparations are supplied with lanolin or lecithin, and also contain synthetic adhesives that make the hair supple and smooth. With fine hair or mixed hair types, it is better not to use such shampoos with nutritional supplements, they can put a lot of stress on the hair, and they will quickly stick together. In this case, it is better to use special shampoos for oily hair and, if possible, conduct a course of treatment more often.
Shampoos for dry hair are rubbed vigorously into the scalp to restore normal sebum secretion. Before washing, parting is done on the head with a comb, and the skin is covered with a thin layer of shampoo. The skin of the scalp is strongly massaged with fingertips. In order for lanolin to be better and faster absorbed into the skin, it is necessary to tie a heated towel around your head. After a while, you need to apply shampoo again and wash your hair.
Shampoos for damaged hair . Bleached or dyed hair should be washed with neutral shampoos with a high content of nutrients (bone marrow, egg yolk, etc.).
Hair that has been chemically damaged or bleached needs special care. Use shampoos for damaged hair that contain proteins, jojoba oil and avocado.
Shampoos "2 in 1" . This is the name of shampoos that not only wash, but also have conditioning properties, that is, they smooth, bring hair back to normal and nourish its roots. After using these products, the hair is shiny and easy to comb. But with prolonged use, problems can arise. Additives such as silicones settle on the surface of the hair over time, weighing it down and making it limp. If this happens, you need to switch to using shampoo for normal hair for a while.
Cosmetologists believe that there can be no universal double shampoo. The action of 2 in 1 shampoo is contradictory in essence: surfactants wash off part of the conditioner, weakening the protective effect of the latter. In addition, the condition of the hair must be constantly monitored, and the conditioner in the shampoo prevents this, only visually improving the appearance of the hair. "2 in 1" is the most acceptable in field conditions. It must be remembered that the conditioner is better fixed on the hair when applied separately from the shampoo.
Shampoos against dandruff . Such shampoos contain detergents that free the scalp from keratinized particles, and additives that slow down the formation of new dandruff. Dandruff shampoo is used only when it appears.
Simple dry dandruff responds better to treatment, but is somewhat less common. Oily dandruff is usually combined with seborrheic dermatitis, which is often accompanied by itchy skin.
Many shampoos that are not suitable for oily skin can provoke excessive sebum production, and this contributes to the reproduction of the fungus. In such cases, it is necessary to use double doses of shampoo, which leads to thinning of the epidermis. Hence the conclusion: shampoo should be selected not only by the type of hair, it is also necessary to take into account the type of scalp.
Polishing shampoos . These shampoos save hair from excess nutritional supplements. They have enhanced cleaning power. The use of such shampoos is justified before perming or coloring.
2.3. Technology for washing the head and hair
Preparatory work.
Before washing the hair, the master must do the following:
    prepare the workplace, be sure to wash the sink;
    invite the client to the chair;
    conduct a preliminary conversation;
    wash hands and disinfect tools;
    carefully comb the hair in order to detect the presence of diseases, as well as to determine the type of hair and their condition;
    cover the client with hairdressing underwear (they use two towels and a napkin, while one towel is placed on the shoulders, and the hair is wiped with the second);
    pour the required amount of shampoo into a measuring cup;
    adjust the water temperature (the optimum temperature for washing hair is 37-40 ° C).
In the hairdresser's, two methods of washing hair are used: with the head tilted forward and with the head tilted back.
When washing hair with the head tilted forward, it is necessary to offer the client a sterile napkin to protect the face.
Wash sequence
    Moisten hair thoroughly with water.
    Pour the required amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand for more convenient distribution on the hair, as well as for warming.
    Distribute the shampoo evenly on the hair, starting from the roots.
    Lather the shampoo on the hair in a circular motion, while the fingertips should move from the marginal hairline to the highest point of the head.
    Wash off the shampoo and then apply a second time.
Hygienic hair washing is performed twice.
Final works .
At the final stage of washing your head, you must:
    conduct a neutralization reaction on the hair;
    wipe the hair with light wetting movements;
    comb your hair, starting from the ends;
    offer additional services (drying, styling, haircut, etc.);
    take off hairdresser's underwear.
To improve the structure of the hair, the following preparations are used: conditioners, rinses, conditioners, balms.
Balm conditioners in the form of a liquid, cream or soap, they include substances that compensate for the loss of natural hair lubrication, soften the hair, relieve static and give it shine. There are special additives that allow you to neutralize the effects of chemical effects on the hair during dyeing or curling.
Acid rinses are used to restore the pH level and remove soap residue from the hair. The fatty acids that make up the soap combine with inorganic substances in the water and form a soap residue that cannot be washed off with water. As a result, the hair loses its shine and is very difficult to comb.
Currently, hair is washed with shampoos, not soaps, so acid rinses are practically not used.
Rinses with balanced acidity designed to fix the color after the application of dyes. They facilitate the penetration of dye molecules into the cuticle, which prevents fading of the hair. Most often, these rinses include citric acid and moisturizers that make hair soft and supple.
Therapeutic rinses reduce the amount of dandruff, improve the appearance of the hair and ensure their easy combing.
Air conditioners (liquid and creamy) are used to make hair easier to comb and give it shine. However, it is not recommended to use these products very often, as they accumulate in the hair, making it heavy and oily. This forces you to wash your hair more often, resulting in further damage to the hair.
Balms not only stabilize the pH level of the hair, but also smooth the top layer (cuticle) of the hair, which swells and bursts when alkali (hard water, shampoo, paint or permanent compound) gets on it. By smoothing the outer layer, the balm helps make each hair more manageable and keeps harmful substances out. The cuticle also helps keep each hair from evaporating water, which is the main cause of dry and brittle hair.
Most balms need to be washed off with warm water, after which you need to dry your hair thoroughly with a towel with light movements.
It is not recommended to comb your hair immediately after washing, you must first dry it slightly naturally. It is also not recommended to use a very hot hair dryer on wet hair.

3.1. Hair Combing Tasks
Combing is a mandatory operation for all types of hair treatment, without exception, even completely dissimilar. Combing allows you to perform the most important tasks :

    eliminate tangled hair(tangled hair makes it difficult to quickly and correctly separate strands of hair when winding, and when coloring, comb the paint at the ends of the hair);
    ensure that the hair is parallel to each other, which is very important when winding on curlers or bobbins to obtain a high-quality curl (the hair of each strand, when wound on the appropriate tool, must be perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the tool - this requirement can only be met when combing the hair and parallel to each other. In addition in addition, with a non-parallel arrangement of the hair, it is impossible to achieve a uniform distribution of the wetting composition for perm);
    give your hair the right direction(fulfillment of this condition is of great importance for the design of the hairstyle);
    determine the length of the hair of each or individual sections of the scalp(necessary requirement for cutting certain styles).
3.2. Stages of combing heavily tangled hair
Before combing the hair, you need to check how tangled it is. If the hair is in good condition (for example, it was combed by the client shortly before coming to the hairdresser), the combing process is simplified and is only a control check with a comb of each section of the hair. If the hair is very tangled or unkempt, it is necessary to start combing it with extreme caution. Haste can lead in this case to painful sensations and to the fact that the hair can not only be torn, but also pulled out along with the bulb. This is what makes the operation of combing heavily tangled hair into several stages.
The initial stage of combing heavily tangled hair dividing hair into sections . The size of the separated areas should be inversely proportional to the tangle of the hair - the more tangled the hair, the smaller the area allocated for combing. The first strands for combing hair are best taken from the lowest parts of the scalp. Comb the strand as follows. With the thumb of the left hand or the little finger, the base of the processed strand is lightly pressed against the scalp. This is necessary in order not to cause pain in the client in the event of a forced stop of the comb in places where the hair is especially tangled. Combing hair is advisable to start from the ends. After carefully combing the first 5-10 cm strands of hair, they proceed to combing the next part of the strand, approaching the base. Combing is stopped with the free repeated passage of the comb over the entire strand of hair.
After combing one strand of hair, the area adjacent to it is separated and treated in the same way as the first, and so on.
For combing, use a comb with rare teeth, hold it in the first way (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Combing hair
The final stage of combing combining combed strands and their contour combing . As with combing small areas, the task can be considered completed if the comb passes unhindered along the entire scalp.
3.3. Combing short hair
For combing short hair, you can not divide them into sections. In this case, combing is done with light and short movements, holding the scalp of the combed section of hair with your hand. Only after making sure that there are no tangled areas of hair, they begin to comb through the entire scalp. With free repeated combing of the hairline with a comb, the task of combing the hair can be considered completely completed.
The movements of the hairdresser should be light, accurate, unhurried. Particular attention requires combing wet and damp hair. Such hair loses its strength and is easily pulled out. Also, with great care, you need to comb hair that is systematically permed, dyed and bleached.
Combing hair is also useful in hygienic terms. In the process of combing, as a result of head massage, blood flow to the hair papilla and hair roots increases, which has a beneficial effect on their vital activity. However, increased pressure on the skin when combing can cause irritation.

Hair drying is an obligatory final operation in almost all types of customer service, especially in women's halls. The need for drying hair sometimes arises during a particular hair treatment operation. However, the main purpose of drying is to fix the shape that was given to the hair when wet. The quality of styling also depends on how well the hair has dried. the final look and relative durability of the hairstyle.
Wet hair is very plastic (pliable) and quite easily takes the desired shape with a styling or curling tool. When dried, their elasticity is restored, and the hair is able to maintain the shape given to them in the wet state for a long time. Drying of hair is carried out with the help of special devices (dryers) (Fig. 3.).

Figure 3. Sushuar
The quality of hair styling depends on how the hair is dried. On under-dried hair, the hairstyle will not last long, as they have not fully restored their elasticity. With strong overdrying, the hair loses its shine, becomes brittle, and the hairstyle also does not last long. Therefore, you need to limit yourself to only such a drying time, during which all the moisture applied to them has time to evaporate.
Determining the right time to dry your hair is very difficult, since there is no special standard for this. Therefore, firstly, one should take into account the hygroscopicity of the hair, i.e. their ability to absorb a certain amount of moisture. If the hair is poorly wetted (water drains from it, it is not absorbed), it dries very quickly. Hair 12-15 cm long, with minimal hygroscopicity, can be dried under the apparatus in 10 minutes. Porous (hygroscopic) hair requires more time to dry - 20-25 minutes. The more hygroscopic the hair, the longer it takes to absorb water and, therefore, the longer it takes to dry. It is especially important to take into account this property of hair when winding it on curlers.
Another important factor in determining the drying time of the hair is the thickness of the strand being wound. Drying time also depends on the length of the hair. As noted above, hair 12-15 cm long can be dried, depending on their properties, in 10-25 minutes. It takes much more time to dry hair from 30 cm long - 30-40 minutes. Such a difference in drying time of hair of different density, length and properties is very significant. Therefore, it is important for the hairdresser to be able to determine the necessary time for this hair with an accuracy of 5 minutes in order to avoid over-drying or under-drying the hair. In the latter case, the hair is simply dried. When overdrying, irreparable damage is done to the hair - they become brittle, lose their shine.
Before the client is seated under the dryer, it is necessary to adjust the temperature (50-60 ° C) using the thermostat and set the timer to the minimum number of minutes required to dry the hair of this group. After the set time has elapsed, they make a control check of the quality of drying by unwinding two or three curls. If the hair is slightly damp, you can increase the drying time by 5-10 minutes. Immediately after drying, the curlers should not be untwisted. It takes some time to keep them wound up so that they cool down. This is necessary because heated hair does not have sufficient elasticity due to the action of elevated temperature. The stratum corneum of the hair softens from heating, as a result of which the curls can unwind halfway even under the influence of their own weight.

5.1. Purpose and general rules for head massage
Massage (from fr. massage- “rubbing”) is one of the oldest methods of therapeutic effects. The essence of the massage is that by kneading the skin and subcutaneous tissues, we improve the functioning of the subcutaneous sweat and sebaceous glands, blood vessels, muscles, activate the nerve endings, and increase the tone of the whole organism. Rubbing the bruised part of the body, stroking the face at the moment of fatigue, and even scratching the back of the head, we give ourselves a massage. But, of course, these are only the initial movements - there are detailed schemes for whole body massage with therapeutic, hygienic (cosmetic) and sports purposes. The ability to massage and self-massage is a very useful skill.
Head massage improves blood circulation, strengthens hair roots, softens the scalp, facilitating better penetration of biologically active substances in the therapeutic emulsion. In addition, massage improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, preventing the appearance of seboric phenomena.
First, let's list a few general rules . Do not rub the skin superficially, but press it against the bone, and only after that move it with circular or direct movements, as if probing, kneading and rubbing, feeling the bone all the time. Massage begins with light, stroking movements - the scalp should be warmed up, washed, as it were. Gradually, the effect of the fingers intensifies, and at the end of the massage it weakens again, ending with light, gentle touches. The first massage sessions should be shorter, and the effect should be lighter - so the body will gradually get used to this procedure. Rhythm is of great importance during massage - the client, obeying the masseur's rhythm, as if already expects the next movement in advance, therefore he feels comfortable, relaxed. You can not start the massage very energetically and cut it off suddenly. After the massage, you need to rest for 10-15 minutes (even if you are going to move on to washing your hair). It is not recommended to massage the head more than twice a week.
Massage is performed only on clean, damp hair with the obligatory use of therapeutic and prophylactic drugs.
Currently, all companies producing professional perfumery produce a series of hair care products, as well as preparations for their intensive treatment. Special knowledge is required to use these preparations. Therefore, we will get acquainted with the simplest and most affordable drug "Londestral". It is produced by the German company Londa in the form of an emulsion and intensive.
Londestral emulsion is available in a liter package and is intended for the treatment of all types of hair. Londestral-intensive is usually available in 100 g tubes and is designed to treat a specific type of hair.


" Hair care"

    Washing head

    1. Purpose of shampooing

      Types of washing

      Technology for performing hygienic head washing

    Drying and combing hair

    Head massage

3.1 Purposes of head massage

3.2 Indications for massage

3.3 Contraindications to massage

3.4 Massage technology

    Hair care products

4.1 Choosing a shampoo

4.2 Preparations for improving the structure of the hair after shampooing

Having beautiful and healthy hair is not only a natural desire of every person, but also a requirement of modern fashion. The beauty of hair is impossible without careful systematic care. Hair should always be clean and well-groomed.


Hair washing is an important hygiene procedure. All types of hairdressing work, with the exception of hair coloring with dyes containing hydrogen peroxide, are performed on clean, freshly washed hair. Wet hair is more elastic and easily takes on one form or another, stretches strongly and does not break. In addition, shampooing is necessary to remove the oil that the sebaceous glands of the scalp secrete. If you do not wash your hair regularly, then the sweat and fat released, mixing with skin flakes and dirt, will create favorable conditions for pathogenic bacteria that cause skin diseases.

Washing head haunts three goals :

    removal of pollution from hair (hygienic);

    removal of traces of the previous installation (deformation);

    loosening the outer layer of the hair (preparatory).

hygiene goal washing the head - removing dust deposits, as well as fat secreted by the sebaceous glands of the head. Oily hair is difficult to process, since fat, covering the scaly layer of hair with a thin coating, closes the pores and inhibits the penetration of coloring, curling and styling products into the hair. In this case, hair degreasing can be considered not only a hygienic, but also a preparatory operation.

Wet hair is easy to stretch and take on a given shape. This is a physical property of hair. It is this property that underlies deformation target head washing. Often the hair retains traces of previous styling or a certain shape from hats, and therefore, to eliminate such hair defects, you must first wash and comb it.

preparatory goal shampooing consists in softening the outer scaly layer when exposed to detergents, which contribute to their quick and unhindered interaction with other chemicals.

There are also three type of hair wash :

    hygienic - using regular shampoo;

    medical- with the use of medicinal preparations;

    dry- using dry shampoo.

Most often, hygienic washing of the head is performed. As you know, water has cleansing properties. In hygienic washing, shampoo is needed only to increase the effectiveness of its impact. Shampoos contain substances that can cleanse the hair of dirt, grease and styling products. The sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands does not dissolve in water, but under the action of shampoo it turns into tiny droplets and is washed out with water.

How often you wash your hair depends on the condition of your hair and whether your skin is oily or dry. The universal rule: wash your hair as it gets dirty. The existing opinion that frequent washing increases their fat content is incorrect. Very oily hair can be washed every day, but use a mild shampoo that does not dry out (leach) your hair.

temperature and water quality. To get a good result, it is very important to choose the right shampoo and prepare the water.

Depending on the type and content of inorganic compounds, there are soft and hard water . Soft water contains a small amount of inorganic compounds (in particular, calcium salts), so the shampoo lathers very well in it. In hard water, on the contrary, there are a lot of inorganic compounds, so the soapiness of the shampoo decreases. Hard water can be softened by adding baking soda to 1 liter of water (¼ teaspoon of baking soda). Softer water can be obtained by filtering or boiling.

It is a mistake to think that hair is better washed in hot water. The only thing that you will achieve by washing your hair with hot water is increased greasiness and a gray coating on the hair that forms due to curdled shampoo.

The optimum water temperature for washing hair is room temperature. That is, the scalp should feel such water as slightly cool. Favorable temperature for hair washing is 34-39 C.

At the end of the rinse, it will be useful to rinse your hair with cold water to add shine to your hair.

If you have the time and desire to pamper your hair, then wash it with boiled water, and if possible, it is better with distilled water.

Shampoo selection. To keep your hair intact and give it shine, you need to be very careful in choosing a shampoo, especially if you wash your hair frequently. Too strong or incorrectly selected shampoo can damage the hair. Gentle, soft preparations, on the contrary, due to their healing properties, improve the condition of the scalp and eliminate damage to the hair structure. Before choosing a shampoo, you must correctly determine the type of hair.

Hygienic head washing technology

Preparatory work

Before washing the hair, the master must do the following:

prepare the workplace, be sure to wash the sink;

invite the client to the chair;

conduct a preliminary conversation;

wash hands and disinfect tools;

carefully comb the hair in order to detect the presence of diseases, as well as to determine the type of hair and their condition;

cover the client with hairdressing underwear (they use two towels and a napkin, while one towel is placed on the shoulders, and the hair is wiped with the second);

pour the required amount of shampoo into a measuring cup;

adjust the water temperature (the optimum temperature for washing hair is 37-40 ° C).

The hairdresser uses two washing method hair: with head tilt forward And head tilted back. When washing hair with the head tilted forward, it is necessary to offer the client a sterile napkin to protect the face. When using the second method with the head tilted back, a special sink with a notch is used. The recess in the sink makes it possible to press the client's neck tightly against it so that water and hair products do not get on clothes.

Wash sequence

Moisten hair thoroughly with water.

Pour the required amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand for more convenient distribution on the hair, as well as for warming.

Distribute the shampoo evenly on the hair, starting from the roots.

Lather the shampoo on the hair in a circular motion, while the fingertips should move from the marginal hairline to the highest point of the head.

Rinse the shampoo and then apply a second time (hygienic hair washing is performed twice).

Final works

At the final stage of washing your head, you must:

conduct a neutralization reaction on the hair (application of drugs to improve the structure of the hair);

wipe the hair with light wetting movements;

comb your hair, starting from the ends;

offer additional services (drying, styling, haircut, etc.);

take off hairdresser's underwear.


Hair drying is an obligatory final operation in almost all types of customer service, especially in women's halls. The need for drying arises sometimes during a particular hair treatment operation. However, the main purpose of drying is to fix that shape. Which was given to hair when wet.

As mentioned above, wet hair is very vulnerable and easily damaged. Therefore, you need to handle them delicately, that is, do not rub against each other with force and in no case immediately comb them.

If you do not want to damage your hair, then after rinsing, you need to gently pat it dry and wrap it in a clean towel. When the water from the hair is absorbed into the towel, it must be removed and gently, avoiding vigorous movements, wipe the hair along the entire length, moving from the roots to the tips. Then the hair must be carefully divided into strands with your fingers and wait until they dry.

Important! If you still need to comb your hair, then use a wooden or horn comb with sparse rounded teeth. At the same time comb your hair very gently and carefully. If nodules form, they should not be torn apart with a comb, but carefully untangled with your fingers.

It is not recommended to dry your hair with a hair dryer every time after washing. Hairdryer, of course - the invention is necessary and useful. But, nevertheless, it is also harmful. Hot air dries out the hair and damages its structure, causing the hair to become brittle. Therefore, it is better to dry your hair naturally. If there is no time for this, then try to minimize the harm caused by blow-drying. Namely: never dry completely wet hair - wait a bit until they dry themselves; use the "cold" drying mode; do not bring the hair dryer closer than 30 cm to the hair.

Never go to bed with a wet head. During the night, the skin cools, normal blood circulation is disturbed: the hair begins to experience a lack of oxygen and nutrients necessary for their growth and development.

Wet hair is very plastic (pliable) and quite easily takes the form given to it with the help of styling and curling tools. When dried, their elasticity is restored, and the hair is able to maintain the shape given to them in the wet state for a long time.

Hair drying in a hairdressing salon can be done with the help of special devices - dryers. At the same time, to give the hair the desired shape and volume, they are pre-wound on curlers.

Sushuary- Appliances for quick hair drying. They come in several varieties. According to the method of attachment, dryers can be both stationary and mobile. Stationary dryers are mounted on the wall. Mobile ones are convenient because they can be moved to any place in the cabin with the help of a tripod on wheels. The presence of such functions as a regulator of the temperature of the supplied air or a timer, by which it is easy to follow the drying time, is very convenient and is indispensable in large beauty salons. The power of the air supply is also very important: dryers are both single-speed and speed-controlled.

The quality of hair styling depends on how the hair is dried. On under-dried hair, the hairstyle will not last long, as they have not fully restored their elasticity. With strong overdrying, the hair loses its shine, becomes brittle, and the hairstyle also does not last long. Therefore, you need to limit yourself to such a drying time, during which all the moisture applied to them has time to evaporate.

Determining the right time to dry your hair is very difficult. Therefore, firstly, one should take into account the hygroscopicity of the hair, i.e. their ability to absorb a certain amount of moisture. The more hygroscopic the hair, the more water it absorbs and therefore takes longer to dry. Drying time also depends on the length of the hair. Hair 12 - 15 cm long can be dried, depending on their properties, in 10 - 25 minutes. Drying hair with a length of 30 cm or more requires much more time - 30 - 40 minutes.

Such a difference in drying time of hair of different density, length and properties is very significant. Therefore, it is important for the hairdresser to be able to determine the required minimum drying time for given hair with an accuracy of 5 minutes in order to avoid over-drying or under-drying the hair. In the latter case, the hair is simply dried. When overdrying, irreparable damage is done to the hair - they become brittle, lose their shine.

Before seating the client under the sushuar. It is necessary to adjust the temperature using the thermostat (50-60 C) and set the timer to the minimum number of minutes required to dry the hair of this group. After the set time has elapsed, they make a control check of the quality of drying by unwinding two or three curls. If the hair is slightly damp, you can increase the drying time by 5-10 minutes. Immediately after drying, the curlers should not be untwisted. It takes some time to keep them wound up so that they cool down. This is necessary because heated hair does not have sufficient elasticity due to the action of elevated temperature. The horny layer of the hair softens from heating, as a result of which the curls can unwind half even under the influence of their own weight.


Combing is a mandatory procedure for all types of hair treatment, without exception, even completely dissimilar. Combing allows you to perform the following important tasks:

    eliminate tangled areas of hair;

    ensure that the hair is parallel to each other, which is very important when winding it on curlers or bobbins;

    give the hair the right direction;

    determine the length of the hair of each or individual sections of the scalp;

Combing hair is also useful in hygienic terms. In the process of combing, as a result of scalp massage, blood flow to the hair roots increases, which has a beneficial effect on their vital activity. There is a uniform distribution of sebum along the entire length of the hair.

Combing hair is advisable to start from the ends, gradually moving up. If the hair is very tangled, it is necessary to divide it into thin strands and, holding it with your left hand, comb it very carefully with a comb with sparse teeth.

For combing short hair, you can not divide into sections. In this case, combing is done with light short movements, holding the scalp of the combed section of hair with your hand. Only after making sure that there are no tangled areas of hair, they begin to comb the entire scalp.

The movements of the hairdresser should be light, neat, unhurried. Particular attention should be paid to combing wet, dyed or bleached hair, as well as hair that has been systematically permed.

Be careful when choosing a comb. Good combs are made from natural materials or high quality plastics. It is best if they are of medium hardness, flexible and durable. The surface of the comb should be smooth without nicks, and the teeth should not be too sharp.


Massage of the scalp stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, improves the nutrition of the hair roots, enhances hair growth, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, makes the scalp soft and supple. Thanks to the massage, the effect of medicinal preparations is enhanced (the drug is applied to clean and damp hair, then the head is massaged).

After the massage, muscle relaxation is invariably felt and even mood improves.

Indications for massage :

    strengthening hair roots;

    prevention of hair loss;

    dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;

    general relaxation of the client.

Massage contraindications :

    the presence of skin diseases;

    severe hair loss;

    fungal and pustular diseases;

    acute head injury;


    nervous diseases.

General rules of massage . The main movements during massage are: stroking, kneading, rubbing And vibration. According to the technology, head massage begins with light warming movements, the strength of which gradually increases. The same gentle and careful strokes finish the massage. It is important that during the procedure the patient is comfortably positioned, and his head and body are relaxed.

The basis of manual head massage is circular movements that are performed with half-clenched palms with spread fingers. In this case, the thumb serves as a support for the hand placed on the surface, and the rest perform massaging movements.

Do not rub the skin superficially, but press it against the bone, and only after that move it with circular or direct movements, as if probing, kneading and rubbing, all the while feeling the bone.

Rhythm is of great importance. You can not start the massage very energetically and cut it off suddenly.

Massage is performed on clean, damp hair, always with the use of medicinal preparations. Currently, all companies producing professional perfumery produce preparations for the care and intensive treatment of hair. Special knowledge is required to use these preparations.

There are a myriad of types of massage, and, as a rule, a good specialist will always be able to individually select for you the type of massage that suits you.

Consider the execution technology classic head massage . The duration is 10-15 minutes.

Head massage technology includes the following movements.

1st movement Intermittent kneading in the area of ​​the superciliary arches (Fig. A). Eight light pressures are made in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temporal cavities with the thumb and forefinger. Repeat three times.

2nd movement Continuous spiral rubbing of the temporal region and behind it, which ends with rubbing of the mastoid process (Fig. b). Four fingers work. Repeat three times.

3rd movement Intermittent stroking of the frontalis muscle (Fig. V). Perform four movements with two fingers from the eyebrows to the hairline on the forehead, from the bridge of the nose to the middle of the eyebrows, from the outer corner of the eye to the curl of the auricle; finish by kneading the area under the lobe of the ears. Repeat three times.

4th movement Vertical stroking of the frontal and temporal muscles (Fig. G). They are performed with three fingers from the superciliary arches to the hairline on the forehead with two hands alternately: from the middle of the forehead, first to the right, and then to the left, and back. Having performed such stroking three times, for the fourth time it is continued from the middle of the forehead to the temporal cavities, where light pressure is applied.

5th movement Wave-like longitudinal stroking of the frontal muscle (Fig. d). Performed with three fingers - first with the right hand from the right temporal cavity to the left temple and back, and then with the left hand from the left temporal cavity to the right temple and back. Repeat three times.

6th movement Rubbing the frontal and temporal muscles (Fig. e). Perform with both hands simultaneously from the temporal cavities to the center of the forehead along the hairline with longitudinal, transverse and circular movements. Repeat three times.

7th movement Superficial rubbing of the hair roots of the scalp (Fig. and). Eight radial partings are made from the marginal hairline to the highest point of the head. The right half of the head is massaged with the right hand, and the left half with the left. In this case, the free hand supports the head. Perform once.

8th movement Deep rubbing of the scalp (Fig. h). Widely spaced fingers of both hands are placed above the auricles. With the movement of the fingers, the scalp is first shifted to the midline, and then back, i.e. rubbing in opposite directions. The same movements of the fingers of both hands are made from the forehead and lower part of the head to the back of the head. Repeat three times.

9th movement Circular kneading of the occipital muscle (Fig. And). It is carried out at the points shown in the figure. Skin movements are made clockwise and back with the thumbs of both hands at the same time. Repeat three times

10th movement Superficial circular kneading of the scalp (Fig. To). The terminal phalanges of the four fingers produce circular movements of the skin along eight radial partings. On the right side - with the right hand, on the left - with the left. The free hand supports the head. Execute once

11th movement Slight vibration of the scalp (Fig. l). It is performed in the same way as in paragraph 10, with only one hand. Perform once.

12th movement Stroking the scalp with widely spaced fingers of both hands (Fig. m). Movements are made from the forehead to the back of the head through the top of the head. Repeat three times.

After the massage, you need to rest for 10-15 minutes (even if you are going to move on to washing your hair).

Rice. Massage scheme


Shampoos. Shampoo is a foam cleanser for hair and scalp. Shampoo is designed to remove fat, dead cells from the hair and scalp. Everything else is the function of conditioners, balms, etc.

The washing basis of all shampoos are surfactants that serve to cleanse the hair. In addition to surfactants, shampoos include hair care and protection substances, functional additives, preservatives, active therapeutic ingredients, and foaming agents.

Shampoo requirements.

    have a good cleansing (washing) effect;

    give volume creamy foam in water of any hardness;

    well distributed through the hair and easy to wash off;

    be soft to the scalp and mucous membrane of the eyes;

    give hair shine and a healthy look;

    have a pleasant smell and color

    provide a conditioning effect, i.e. easy combing of hair in wet and dry form;

    have a pH close to that of the scalp and hair (approximately pH 5.5), except for special purpose shampoos.

Shampoo classification

The number of shampoos is so great. That there was a need to separate them on certain grounds.

Shampoos are distinguished by their appearance: liquid, creamy, jelly-like, dry, concentrated.

By appointment, depending on the type of hair: for normal, dry, oily, mixed, damaged, curly, any type, etc.

By belonging to any gender or age: male, female, family, children.

Therapeutic and prophylactic: against dandruff, seborrhea, etc.

According to the additional effect provided: coloring, protective, moisturizing, restoring, etc.

In order to understand that this shampoo is not suitable for you, one or two use is enough. But in order to come to the conclusion that this shampoo is for you, you need to use it regularly for at least 2-3 weeks.

Preparations for improving the structure of the hair after shampooing.

There are two groups of hair care products after washing:

    Washable funds;

    Indelible means.

Group flushable funds for hair care after washing includes all types of rinses or conditioners, starting with liquid milk, conditioners, creams for combing hair with various consistencies and ending with liquid gels and masks. The main purpose of such products is to compensate for the adverse effects on the hair and give them properties such as ease of combing, elasticity, shine and softness.

The principle of operation of conditioners, conditioners and balms is the same: the special regenerating substances (ceramides and proteins) included in their composition replace the natural “glue”. As a result, the tousled scales fall into place and form a single smooth surface.

The difference between conditioners and rinses from balms is only in the amount of these regenerating substances. There are fewer of them in conditioners, so they can only protect the hair from the effects of the external environment. Conditioners (liquid and cream) are used to make hair easier to comb and give it shine. They make hair more manageable, help to style it even without styling products. Also, conditioners give hair shine, maintain the color of dyed hair, and protect them from the harmful effects of the environment.

The conditioner “closes” the scales, but does not nourish the hair, but, as it were, envelops them with a protective film. This is important for hair that is often blow-dried and treated with other heating tools. Another function of the air conditioner is to remove static electricity. Conditioners and conditioners are applied to wet, freshly washed strands and left, as a rule, for 1-2 minutes, after which they are thoroughly washed off with warm water.

Balms are more active. They allow not only to protect, but also to restore, “repair” the damage in the hair structure, take care of the scalp. That is why they are rubbed into the skin or applied first to the roots, and then distributed along the entire length of the hair. The exposure time is usually quite long - 10-15 minutes, but there are also fast-acting products (manufacturers know how little free time modern women have).

Nowadays, industrialists often combine these two products and offer us conditioners that perform more than just a protective function. They nourish, moisturize, strengthen the hair, stimulate its growth, improve the structure, remove static electricity, allow you to increase the volume, help to cope with tangled curls, give a healthy shine, splendor, elasticity, elasticity. Hair becomes obedient and easy to comb. There are special products for the care of dyed and highlighted hair - they treat them after exposure to paint and help to keep the color longer. The same applies to products that support permed hair.

Hair masks are one of the most popular means of intensive restoration of the hair structure. Most often, nourishing and moisturizing masks are used; masks for colored hair and hair after a perm. The mask is used no more than once a week. It is applied to washed, damp hair for 30-35 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off. The mask can be applied for a shorter period - for 3-5 minutes. In this case, it works like a balm. The composition of the masks can be anything, but you should pay attention to the following ingredients. Aloe vera is a great moisturizer for all hair types. Chamomile, mint, eucalyptus soothe, relieve irritation - for sensitive scalp. Rice protein restores the structure of severely damaged hair.

Leave-Ins for hair care after washing are represented by lotions, mousses, conditioning creams and cosmetic hair serums. Light in consistency, these products create a film on wet hair; give shine, volume, remove static electricity, maintain the shape of the hairstyle.

Having beautiful and healthy hair is not only a natural desire of every person, but also a requirement of modern fashion. Hair can be thick or thin, fine or bouncy, wavy or straight. But they must be clean and well maintained. To achieve this, the correct execution of shampooing helps.

Hair washing is used in hairdressing salons for almost any service. If you do not wash your hair regularly, then the sweat and fat released are mixed with skin scales and dirt, creating a fertile ground for pathogenic bacteria, which can lead to various skin diseases. All types of hairdressing work, with the exception of hair coloring with dyes containing hydrogen peroxide, are performed on clean, freshly washed hair. Wet hair is more elastic, easily acquires one form or another, stretches strongly and does not break.

Shampooing has three purposes:

  • hygienic - removal of pollution from the surface of the hair and skin;
  • deformation - removal of traces of the previous hairstyle;
  • preparatory - softening the outer scaly layer of hair.

hygiene goal washing the head - removing dust deposits, as well as fat secreted by the sebaceous glands of the head. Oily hair is difficult to process, since fat, covering the scaly layer of hair with a thin coating, closes the pores and inhibits the penetration of coloring, curling and styling products into the hair. In this case, hair degreasing can be considered not only a hygienic, but also a preparatory operation.

Wet hair is easy to stretch and take on a given shape. This is a physical property of hair. It is this property that underlies deformation target head washing. Often the hair retains traces of previous styling or a certain shape from hats, and therefore, to eliminate such defects, the hair must first be washed and combed.

preparatory goal shampooing consists in softening the outer scaly layer of the hair when exposed to detergents, which contribute to their quick and unhindered interaction with other chemicals.

Hair washing in hairdressing salons can be done in two ways - with the head tilted forward and with the head tilted back. In modern salons and hairdressing salons, the second method is used more often.

When washing with head tilt forward no special equipment is required - the client tilts his head over the sink. The head is washed with shampoo, choosing for this purpose the most suitable for this type of hair.

When using the second method with head tilt back a special sink with a notch is used. The recess in the sink allows the client's neck to be pressed tightly against it so that water or hair treatment compositions do not get on clothing.

Depending on the type and amount of inorganic compounds, water is soft and hard. Soft water contains a small amount of inorganic compounds (in particular, calcium salts), so the shampoo lathers very well in it. There are many inorganic compounds in hard water, so the amount of shampoo foam is reduced. Hard water can be softened by adding baking soda to it. Favorable temperature for shampooing is 34 - 39°C.

Shampoo selection. When choosing a shampoo, it is necessary to correctly determine the type of hair. For many years, soap has been the main cleansing ingredient in shampoos. But it had a number of disadvantages, such as poor foaming in hard water and the formation of a dull coating on the hair. As a result, instead of soap in shampoos, surfactants began to be used, which give abundant foam in water of any hardness and are easily removed when rinsing, without leaving a dull coating on the hair.

The search for new hair care products that has continued over the past decade has led to a significant improvement in their quality. The main purpose of shampoos is to remove impurities from the hair and scalp. It should be noted that most modern shampoos contain certain conditioning additives.

Modern developments of new shampoos take into account the fact that hair is washed much more often today than a few years ago; this stimulates the development of mild shampoos with a pH close to that of the scalp and hair (5.5 - 6.0).

By appointment, there are several types of shampoos:

  • ordinary - most often require the use of other cosmetics. As a rule, these are detergents for different types of hair (dry, oily, normal);
  • special - usually mild action; they can be used every day. They improve the appearance of the hair, do not irritate the scalp, as they have a neutral pH level, give the hair shine and silkiness;
  • therapeutic - designed for especially sensitive and damaged hair and hair with dandruff. They are injected with special medications;
  • special purpose - used before or after perm or hair coloring. They neutralize the remnants of the oxidizing agent, strengthen the hair and give it strength, close the cuticle scales, and preserve the color of dyed hair.

Shampoo technology. Before washing the head, it is necessary to prepare materials for washing and hairdressing linen, wash hands, invite the client to the chair. The client is covered with a towel, tightly wrapped around his neck, after which his hair is carefully combed. Combing hair before washing ensures a more even distribution of detergents over the entire surface of the hair and scalp and makes it easier to comb hair after washing. Also, in the process of combing, the type of hair and their condition are determined, which allows you to more accurately select the right preparations for washing your hair. Hair swollen from water and detergents loses approximately half of its strength to mechanical stress. Therefore, such hair requires more careful handling. It is especially important to remember this when treating naturally weak hair, as it can be easily damaged after washing. Hair that is well combed before washing is easy to comb after this procedure.

After the hair has been combed, the client is invited to the sink. To prevent water from getting on clothes, the visitor should press his neck tightly against the cutout of the sink. The hair is thoroughly moistened with water, after which shampoo is applied. It should be borne in mind that cold shampoo causes discomfort, so it is better to apply detergent to the hair from the palm of your hand.

When applying detergent to the head, it should be evenly distributed over the entire head with a light circular rubbing with the pads of the fingers, trying to cover with the fingers at the same time as large an area of ​​the scalp as possible. With the appearance of soap foam, the hair is rinsed with water, and the soaping operation is repeated if necessary. If your hair is heavily soiled, you can use a deep cleansing shampoo.

Foam is removed from the hair by rinsing thoroughly with water. For one washing operation in the women's room, 20-25 ml of shampoo is required, in the men's room - 8-10 ml.

Further processing of the hair depends on what operation will follow the washing of the head and what kind of detergent was used in this case. If the hair has been chemically attacked, then for better combing of the hair it is necessary to apply a small amount of therapeutic balm. The shine of hair depends on the condition of their outer scaly layer. The tighter the scales are pressed together, the better the hair shines. When using the balm, the outer layer of the hair is thickened, unevenness is smoothed out, which further facilitates combing and does not lead to mechanical injuries of the hair. The frequency of shampooing depends on the condition of the hair and whether the scalp is oily or dry.

Washing your hair is necessary to remove the oil that the sebaceous glands of the scalp secrete. If you do not wash your hair regularly, then the sweat and oil released are mixed with skin scales and dirt, creating a fertile ground for pathogenic bacteria, which leads to skin diseases.

Hygienic washing hair is done before all kinds of work hairdresser, except for hair coloring with dyes of the 1st and 2nd groups (contain hydrogen peroxide). Wet hair more elastic and easily acquire one form or another, strongly stretched And not torn.

Hygienic washing is done in 2 ways:

When washing hair with head tilt back(there must be a special sink with a notch);

When washing hair with head tilt forward.

There are 3 types of washing:

- hygienic- washing hair with shampoo or liquid soap;

- medical- washing hair with the use of medicinal preparations;

- dry- hair is washed with dry shampoo, produced in aerosols (flour, starch), or with alcohol (on a comb with cotton wool).

Hair washing is performed for the following purposes:

- hygienic washing- removal of pollution from the hair, fat - secreted by the sebaceous glands (since fat covers the scaly layer of hair with a thin coating, closes the pores and inhibits the penetration of dyeing, curling and styling products into the hair), hair degreasing can be considered not only hygienic, but also preparatory operation;

- deformation washing- removal of traces of previous styling or a certain shape from hats, and therefore, to eliminate such defects, the hair must first be washed and combed;

- preparatory wash- loosening of the outer scaly layer of hair when exposed to detergents, which contribute to their quick and unhindered interaction with other chemicals.

Hygienic washing with shampoo: the most common type of washing. Water has a cleansing property, and shampoo is only necessary for its effectiveness. The shampoo contains substances that can cleanse the hair of dirt, grease and styling products.

The sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands does not dissolve in water. But under the influence of shampoo, the fat is folded into tiny droplets. For a good result after shampooing It is very important to choose the right shampoo and prepare the water.

1) Water treatment: Depending on the type and amount of inorganic compounds, water is soft and hard.

In soft water contains a small amount of inorganic compounds, therefore it lathers the shampoo very well..

In hard water, on the contrary, there are many inorganic compounds, therefore the soapiness of the shampoo is reduced. Hard water can be softened by adding borax or soda to it.

Favorable temperature for shampooing is 34 - 39 o C.

2) Choice of shampoo: When choosing a shampoo, it is necessary to correctly determine the type of hair.

Soap has been the main cleansing ingredient in shampoos for many years. But it had a number of disadvantages, such as poor foaming in hard water and the formation of a dull coating on the hair. As a result, instead of soap in shampoos, surfactants began to be used, which give abundant foam in water of any hardness and are easily removed when rinsing, without leaving a dull coating on the hair.

The main purpose of shampoos is to remove impurities from the hair and scalp. It should be noted that most modern shampoos contain certain conditioning additives.

Modern developments of new shampoos take into account the fact that hair is washed much more often today than a few years ago; this stimulates the development of mild shampoos with a pH close to that of the scalp and hair (5.5 - 6.0).

To keep your hair shiny and intact, you need to be very careful in choosing a shampoo, especially if you wash your hair frequently. It is very important to choose a shampoo with the necessary pH level, which characterizes acid-base environment cosmetic product.

The pH scale runs from 1 to 14, with a pH of 7 being considered neutral (neither alkaline nor acidic). A pH level above 7 indicates that the product is alkaline. The lower the pH value, the higher the acidity of the product. Most shampoos are neutral or have a skin or hair pH of 5.5. Such shampoos are more preferable for washing.

By appointment, there are several types of shampoos:

- ordinary- most often require the use of other cosmetics, as a rule, these are detergents for various types of hair (dry, oily, normal);

- special- usually mild action, they can be used every day, they improve the appearance of the hair, do not irritate the scalp, so they have a neutral pH level, give the hair shine and silkiness;

- medicinal- are intended for especially sensitive and damaged hair and hair with dandruff, they are injected with special medicinal preparations;

- special purpose- are used before or after perm or hair coloring, they neutralize oxidizer residues, strengthen hair and give it strength, close the cuticle scales, preserve the color of dyed hair.

All shampoos according to their consistency can be divided into liquid And concentrated. All concentrated shampoos must be diluted 1:1 with water before use.

gastroguru 2017